Part 9

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After the hike the parents were going to prepare the barbecue. You and Payton were going to buy some groceries. Your brother, sister and Faith were setting up the table.

*At the supermarket*

You: 'I have no idea what type we have to get. I don't know Spanish.' Payton grabbed a random packet of sausages.
Payton: 'This one? I don't know either.'
You: 'Haha, okay fine.'

You continue to grab some items. At the chips aisle Payton threw multiple bags of chips at you. You fell on the floor laughing, covered in bags. Payton helped you get up and you playfully slapped his face. Both laughing.

You got back from the grocery store and gave everything to the parents. They told you you can go to the lake (the camping was close to a lake). You changed into you bathing suit and walked to the lake with your chair and beach bag. Payton was already there, as well as the other kids.

You took your dress off and walked closer to the water. Payton was there looking at some people diving in the water. You slapped your hand on his butt.

Payton: 'Hey stop that-' he turned around. 'Oh hey y/n.'
You: 'Hah Hi Payton.' You dipped your toes in. 'F*ck it's cold.'
Payton: 'No it's not, it's hot like you.' He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.

Did he just call me hot?

You: 'Oh my god Payton stop ishhh-' He fell in the water, so you did as well since you were over his shoulder. Both laughing. You leaned back in the water wetting your hair. As you pulled back up you slid your hands over your hair. You looked at Payton biting his lip. You shook your head and pushed Payton back in the water.

You started walking out of the water when Payton grabbed your arm and turned you around.

I don't know why I looked down but I did and f*ck he's hard.

You: 'Um Payton...' You look back up at his face. He quickly looks down and back up. He's embarrassed and turns red.
Payton: 'I'm sorryyyy.' He puts his hands in front of it.
You: 'I hope he behaves in the shower tonight.' You nod down at his dick. Payton palms his head.
Payton: 'I'm sorry, it just happens.' You start laughing.
You: 'Doesn't matter, I know it's not your fault.' You stay silent for a bit. 'Yeah well actually it kinda is but you know. I don't care about it. Oh this sounds bad, sorry.' You ramble.
Payton: 'Sorry.'
You: 'Don't worry about it.' You grab Payton's hand and pull him out of the water.

Your parents arrive with the food and the barbecue. You all have fun and eat dinner. 'Marshmallows for dessert!' Your mom shouts. Everyone gets one and holds them above the barbecue. The girls you met doing the dishes are going for a swim. You see them and walk up to them.

You: 'Hey!'
Girl 1: 'Oh hi! Enjoy your meal.' She says pointing at the barbecue.
You: 'We just finished and are roasting marshmallows now, do you want some?'
Girl 2: 'Oh my god yes please. I'm Lola btw. I don't think we've introduced each other.'
You: 'I'm y/n.'
Girl 1: 'I'm Sacha.'
You: 'Fun! Let's go.' They follow you and you give them a stick and marshmallow.

You sat down next to Payton and Lola. Payton's marshmallow was already softened and started falling of his stick.

Payton: 'Sh*t mine's falling off!' He laughed. 'Here have it.' He said putting it close to your face.
You: 'Nooo!' You backed off but he pressed it the middle of your face. Everyone started laughing.
Lola: 'That looks so funny!' Payton picked the marshmallow from your face and put it in his mouth. There was still molten marshmallow on your nose. Payton kept looking at you. Sacha laughed.
Sacha: 'Watcha gonna do now... lick her nose?' She laughed.
Payton: 'Well actually..' He came closer to you and kissed your nose.
Sacha: 'Ahw how cute.' You got a wet wipe and cleaned your face.
You: 'I'll get you back.' You said laughing.
Payton: 'I'm scared now.'

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