CH.1 Haruhi Sayaka Dragneel

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I searched the job board for a mission maybe I should bring a souvenir for Haruhi this time... she probably wants one since fathers seem to be coming up I felt a tap on my shoulder as I turned around to look at the person "are you ok?" Naku asks as I blinked in confusion "I'm fine" I replied as he shrugged going back to eating his strawberry cake I went back to looking for a mission.

The guild doors burst open with Ren standing in the middle "where's Master Makarov?" Ren asks I sighed shaking my head at him "go home Ren" Gramps said sipping his booze "but how come Haru gets to join but I don't huh?" Ren whined walking towards us "I already told you that it's up to your parents Ren" Gramps said the guild doors were pushed gently "Ren?" Juvia peeked her head into the guild her eyes searching for him as Haruhi walked in through the doors "idiot don't just barge into the guild" Haruhi slapped him upside the head "ow! that hurts" Ren said "then stop being so reckless" Haruhi said as I sweatdropped at the two cousins "I guess you'll never change" I said as the other also Sweatdropped "how come you get to be a member but I don't? that's just unfair" Ren crossed his arms over his chest Gramps sighed "Ren you may join whichever guild you desire to join" Gramps said as Haruhi turned to him shocked "you're seriously saying this?" Haruhi asks as Ren looked hopeful with sparkling eyes "well it wouldn't hurt for Ren to join" I said as Haruhi turned to me "you too dad?" Haruhi asks her mouth agape "Dad?!" Everyone asks eyes wide with shock.

The whole guild stared at us baffled "when did you have a daughter Natsu?" Lucy asks breaking the silence "18 years ago Juvia and I had Haruhi" I replied "Juvia?! you had a Daughter with Juvia?!" Gray asks shocked "I don't see anything to be shocked about mom and dad have been married for 19 years now" Haruhi said cocking her head confused "no one expected for them to end up together" Yuki said with a bored expression "it was easy to tell mom was pregnant since her belly showed" Haruhi said sighing "I can't believe you didn't notice your much bigger idiots than I thought" I gave her a warning look as she blew a raspberry "Haruhi Dragneel you better apologize" Juvia said as Haruhi placed her hands behind her head "your so mean mom" she said as her sea-green orbs locked with ice blue orbs don't tell me Haruhi's in love with Fullbuster's son Haruhi stared at Yuki for a while before turning away from his gaze phew she doesn't like him I sighed in relief "so is that really her?" Erza asks staring at a picture in Mira's hands.

The whole guild stared at us baffled "when did you have a daughter Natsu?" Lucy asks breaking the silence "18 years ago Juvia and I had Haruhi" I replied "Juvia?! you had a Daughter with Juvia?!" Gray asks shocked "I don't see anything to be shock...

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Mira smiled her usual smile "I have a whole album here" Mira pulled out a book opening it the page with pictures of Haruhi.

Juvia stared a certain picture "oh I remember this moment Haruhi wore her first kimono" Juvia said pointing to the picture with Haruhi in a floral pink kimono "this was when Haruhi had a nightmare oh and her first day of magic school" Juvia smiled...

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Juvia stared a certain picture "oh I remember this moment Haruhi wore her first kimono" Juvia said pointing to the picture with Haruhi in a floral pink kimono "this was when Haruhi had a nightmare oh and her first day of magic school" Juvia smiled at it "didn't she come running home after that crying and hugging my leg telling me that she doesn't want to ever leave me again?" I ask a light blush appeared on Haruhi's cheeks "you were such a crybaby when you were younger" Ren said Haruhi closed her eyes her hands beside her clenched "shut up!" Haruhi yelled at ren "I miss those days of when she was a kid Haruhi was so cute and always ran toward me for a hug whenever I got home" I said as a huge blush formed on Haruhi's face "how'd you even get your hands on that?!" Haruhi asks taking the book from her "I have my ways" Mira replied "well then don't show it to strangers" Haruhi said giving it back for Mira to hide "it's embarrassing having a stranger see so many photos on the first meeting" her hands flew to her red cheeks.

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