3. A New Freind

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Scootaloo woke-up in a hospital bed slowly with blurry vistion. She started having trouble breathing as she let out a violent cough. She heard heavy snoring and slowly turned her head to the right and found the same mare with the black and blue mane sleeping in a chair. The mare kept snoring until Scootaloo couldn't take it any longer. She can't speak loud enough to wake her up, so she saw a water bottle sitting on a table and threw it at her. The mare woke-up with a quick growl and wiped off the drool hanging at the bottom of her lip and said "Oh, you're awake. Do you mind telling me your name?"

"Scootaloo. What's yours"

"Abriskflame, but you can just call me brisk. That gang of ponies, don't you know who they are?"

"no, but whoever they are there a bunch of asshats"

"Well let me be the first to tell you; th-" the door opened and RainbowDash said angrily "there trouble is what they are". Scootaloo's eyes widened as she excitedly said "Rainbowda-" RainbowDash interrupted "not so loud squirt... My ear" as she pointed to her left ear. "Look" said RainbowDash "that gang of ponies have been terrorizing the academy for month's now and have made our lives a living hell. It's almost everyday that I have to defend somepony'els" Scootaloo interrupted her and said "why don't you kick them out of the academy then?" RainbowDash continued "I was getting to that. The system is slightly corrupt, we wold kick them out but we wold be in serious life-threatening danger." "Oh..." Scootaloo said. "Get some sleep Squirt, we'll talk about this in the morning." Said RainbowDash. RainbowDash walked towards Scootaloo and kissed her on the forehead "good night kiddo" she said as Brisk put her wing around her and shut off the lights.

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