When Scootaloo arrived in Cloudsdale she was astounded by the beautiful scenery with rainbows flowing down and unique architecture. She found the Academy and took in a cheerful gasp as her eyes widened. The orange and purple Pegasus pulled her wings up on her last flap and flew as if she was shot out of a cannon. She left nothing but a small trail of feathers hovering down behind her. When she arrived at the academy and saw one of her friends out of the corner of her eye; Midnight Killer, she had a grey hide with a black and purple mane and tail. But she was surrounded buy an uneven circle of ponies that looked aggressive. One colt with a grey hide and a black mane got up on his back hooves and quickly slammed his front hooves onto Midnight's face sending her to the ground landing chin first. Scootaloo gasped in shock and quickly flew torwards the riot. She landed on the snow stained concrete and started running. All the sudden a quick flash of rainbows came crashing down and broke the bullies off of Midnight and started clopping an albino mare with a rainbow mane in the face until somepony threw himself onto RainbowDash's back and started to naw her ear off until he tore it of with his teeth and took a large chunk out. RainbowDash had tears coming from her eyes and blood sprayed out from her left ear and she was screaming out in pain. She got up on her hooves and very weakly started walking with her head down and eyes shut. Rainbowdash hit the ground and passed-out. Scootaloo started running again towards the ponies and kept clopping one in the face as hard as possible. Scootaloo was enraged. Somepony grabbed her from behind and wrapped a thin, sharp wire around her neck and started choking her. She kept trying to hit the pony with her hind- hooves but the pony was just out of reach. Blood started accumulating inside and outside her throat. She started to get weaker as her vistion was going black. Suddenly a slender mare with a white hide and a black and blue mane ran up to the pony strangling Scootaloo and shoved him with her forehead in an upward motion and sent the pony a few feet in front of her. She quickly jumped up and landed on the stallion as hard as she could and heard a wet "SNAP" and jumped of with a push. Scootaloo was coughing up large amounts of blood as she was crawling on the cold ground. She threw-up in pain and hit the ground as she passed-out.
It's Been Too Long
FanficScootaloo has finally had enough courage to be in The Wonderbolt Academy. But the question is will she have enough courage to make it through the harsh conditions at the Academy. (the story takes place eight years in the future when Scootaloo is eig...