Saving Marc

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Nathaniel's Pov

I saw Marc on the news. He was akumatized into Reverser. He looked dizzy. Before it went to regular news, i saw Marc headed in the direction of his house. I turned off the TV and put on some new clothes. I put on some Green sweatpants, and a brown jacket. I headed towards the dark side of Paris, where thieves and murderers were most common. That's where Marc lived. When i got to his house i knocked on the door.

"Hey Ms.Anciel, is Marc home?" I asked her.

"No, he hasn't been home for about an hour, and his curfew is getting close. He never misses curfew." She answered.

"Maybe he's resting in the alleyway he uses as a shortcut. He told me about it." I suggested.

"Well i suppose he could. Go check please. I'm getting worried." She said.

So i left for the shortcut. When i walked in I saw nothing. I walked further in. I saw something on the wall. It was a note. It said...

Dear Nathaniel
Yes, thats right I knew you would look for Marc here. But he's not here. I kidnapped him, and if you ever want to see him again. You must come to the abandoned factory on the far side of Paris. Oh, before I forget, you need to bring Marinette with you. I have something to settle with her. One more thing, bring me all your drawings that contain Ladybug or any of her friends.

Lila Rossi

Damn you Lila! I thought. I showed Marc's mother the note. She broke into tears.

"W-Why wo-uld this girl d-do this? Marc didn't do an-anything to her." She said in between sobs.

"She hates me, She hates Marinette, and she's extremely homophobic." I told Ms.Anciel.

I went home and gathered my drawings of ladybug and her friends. Then I went to school the next day. I told everyone in my class, even Ms.Bustier. Everyone was shocked. The whole school knew by lunchtime. After school, me and Marinette headed towards the abandoned factory on the far side of paris. What we saw inside was horrifying. Lila was leaving cuts and bruises on Marc's arms, legs, and chest. Marc was tied to a chair. His shirt and hoodie were next to the chair. There was a cloth in his mouth that was tied around his head. His head was leaning down.

"Well, well, if it isn't the artistic duo. Nathaniel and Marinette. Give me the art, and Marinette." Lila said.

I gave her the papers, and Marinette walked over and stood next to Marc. She looked at me and mouthed...

He's breathing, but barely.

"Now the act at hand, Marinette? I want to battle you, when we are both akumatized. Now think, your angriest or saddest thought. He'll send two akumas." Lila said.

Gabriel/Hawkmoths Pov

"Natalie, I sense two angry people. But i can only akumatize one. Natalie, you know what to do." I said.

"Yes, sir." Natalie answered.

"Catalyst, I give you the power to boost others powers." I said.

"Hawkmoth i give you the power to unleash 2 akumas." Catalyst replied.

"My evil akumas, go forth and evilize them both." I said.

Marinettes Pov

I saw two scarlet akumas fly towards me and Lila. One of them landed on my purse. One landed on Lila's shoe.

"Emotion Guru, I give you the power to take others emotions and use to your advantage." Hawkmoth told me.

I instantly got a new outfit and felt strong. I heard Lila's name and power vividly.

"Pegasus, i give you the power to use your wings to fly and your strength to overpower your opponents." I heard Hawkmoth say to Lila.

I could feel Lila's emotions, she was angry and happy at the same time. I reached in my bag and pulled out a Ladybug cutout, and brought it to life. It made Lila really mad. The Ladybug attack her with her yoyo. I could control the Ladybug duplicate. I knew where the akuma was so I had the Ladybug wrap the yoyo around Lila's shoe and brought it to the ground. I quickly broke it in half. The akuma came out and completely turned white. My akuma came out and turned white. I fell to the ground and passed out.

Nathaniel's Pov

I saw Marinette fall to the ground and blackout. I untied Marc. I called the police and told them where we were. They arrivved and arrested Lila for kidnapping, and abuse of a minor. Marc was taken to the hospital and I rode in the ambulance with him. They took him to intensive care. I kissed his forehead as they took him in to the room. I called his mom, and she came almost immediately. I went home and layed in bed. I thought about the events of the night.

Marc was kidnapped, Marinette blackedout after fighting with Lila while being akumatized, and Lila went to jail.

I couldn't stop thinking about Marc. Marc, why did Lila kidnap and abuse you? Marc, I love you. I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

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