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Izzy's Pov

Oh how I want to kill Marc right now. He killed Lila, and I wanted to settle things with Nath. When I killed Marc he would finally know pure sadness, how I felt when our parents left me for the police the night I robbed that gas station. I was framed though, by the guy who really stole it. After the few weeks I spent in jail I found his address, and killed the son of a bitch. He never even knew I was there...
until it was too late. I smiled at the thought as I remembered seeing the color drain from his face and his last breath wasted on telling me I'd regret it. He was wrong. I thought. No matter what the cost would be, I'd get my revenge!

Nathaniel's Pov

Me and Marc were on our way to the best and most romantic restaurant in paris, Le Carme Câpre. Or 'The Carmen Caper'. We were on our first official date. When we walked in we were escorted to the couple's area, and sat down. After a few minutes the waitress came back and took our order.

"We would like to order the spaghetti meal for two please." I said.

"Okay, I'll go get your order to the chef. Tonights special is a cake shaped like the Eiffel Tower. Would you like me to add that to your order? I can get it in a small size. The original size might be too big to eat with only two people here to eat it." The waitress suggested.

"We'd like that, and yes we would like it as a small cake." Marc shyly said to the Waitress.

"Okay, I'll go get it set up and be back soon. Oh, I almost forgot. What drinks would you like to order. I'm so sorry I didn't mention it earlier." The waitress apologized.

"Tea please." "Lemonade please." Me and Marc said simultaneously.

"Okay, got it!" She said almost to herself. "That'll be $27.38." She added as she walked away.

Marc and I chatted for a while as we waited for our food to be delivered. Finally it came. Two waiters delivered the cake and spaghetti while the waitress came with the drinks. Then they left us alone. Marc and I chatted while eating the spaghetti. As I was eating a bite I felt it get tight. I pulled a little to get it out of the plate but it didn't budge. So I kept eating at it while it tugged at me. I looked away for the slightest second when it happened. I felt Marcs sweet lips touch mine and I realized that our spaghetti had been connected. Marc pulled away and blushed. Then we ate in silence every once in a while suddenly saying something. Then the waitress came back with the bill and I payed her $30.

"Keep the change. You've been very kind to us even though we're a couple you've still been kind.. So you deserve it." I said as I got up and walked to the restroom leaving Marc to eat the last of his meal. A smile on his face. But it would be the last time I saw his sweet, innocent face.

Izzy's Pov

I walked into Le Carme Câpre and sat down. I immediately saw my brother and his...boyfriend sitting in the couple's area of the restaurant. I put my hood over my head to avoid being seen by them. They killed Lila, they need to pay. After a couple hours their waitress came back and gave them them the bill. After she left with the money Nath sat up and walked to the restroom near me. Now's my chance. I thought as a grin crept across my face. I followed him into the restroom grabbing the knife off of my table.

When I got in the restroom I saw Nath washing his face. I quietly locked the restroom door and walked towards him, knife in hand. He looked towards me as I held the knife higher. I pushed  him into the wall. I hovered the knife over his stomach...and applied pressure. Then, I stabbed him. He gasped. Then I felt it. A sudden sadness washed over me. I looked in his eyes...and he looked in mine.

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