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Grunewald, Germany, Winter of 1581


The snows of winter drifted gently outside the window, twirling and swirling through the air like graceful little snowflake fairies. The sky was a crisp greyish blue, sponged over with puffy clouds, the world blanketed in white.
So beautiful, so magical, so heavenly.
Queen Emilie traced her finger against the window pane, the lacy patterns of frost decorating the glass on the other side, she smiled at its simple beauty. The glass was cool to the touch, almost chilly, but Emilie wasn't sensitive to low temperatures. In fact, she welcomed it, especially at this time.

Her eyes traveled over the garden just below her. Her precious flowers, trees, bushes, and marble fountains-all frosted in sparkling ice and snow-were covered in fluffy blankets so they could rest before the thaw of spring, when everything would bloom into awareness again.

Watching her sleepy garden, made Queen Emilie stifle a yawn, her eyelids drooping. She needed to take a nap.
Tearing her eyes from the window, Emilie settled herself in her favorite rocking chair by the crackling fireplace just across the room, closed her eyes with her hands resting on her stomach, and let sleep overtake her.
Thump, thump, thump.
Something woke Emilie with a start, something hitting against the palm of her hand.
She smiled, a bit sleepily. She rubbed her hand over her enlarged stomach.
"Hello, my precious," she said softly.
Thump, thump, came the response.
Queen Emilie giggled. The baby kicked energetically against her hand, as if he or she was attempting to run right out of her belly and into the world. Emilie shook her head, a smile on her lips. The baby wasn't due for a few more weeks, and because this was her first and long-waited for child, the queen wasn't in a rush to give birth. For long she had been barren; she wanted to savor every moment of her pregnancy for as long as God allowed.
Suddenly, there came a soft rap on the chamber door. Queen Emilie turned towards it.
"Come in," she called.
A moment later, her husband, King Johannes, walked into the room with a solemn, worn out look on his face. He had been working much of the morning-meeting with counselors and reading and signing important documents-performing the strenuous duties a king must perform. His long brown hair was a bit unkempt, and his clothes were slightly rumpled, but a trace of a smile peeked through his short beard when he turned to see Emilie sitting by the window. Emilie smiled back as Johannes came towards her and knelt at the foot of her rocking chair.
Johannes raised Emilie's left hand to his lips and kissed it gently before gazing into her eyes.
"And how is my darling queen this Winter Solstice Eve?" he asked, his voice a little strained.
Emilie nodded. "I am well."
Johannes's face became doubtful, and a bit worried. "Are you sure? Have you had any pains today? Are you craving at all?" He searched her features carefully, his eyes wide. "Because I can send for the cook right away to fix you up-"
Emilie laughed. She patted her husband's hand gently. "No, dear, really. I'm all right."
"Are you sure?" His eyes were searching her face again.
"Yes, I'm sure," Emilie said, shaking her head and chuckling.

Johannes was nervous for her; it was sweet. As a first-time father, he had every reason to be anxious. Any man would be. But Johannes could be too anxious and more so lately, since the baby's date of birth was drawing nearer. Everything seemed to inflict his worry. Every time Emilie would moan from back pain, he'd nearly jump out of his boots. If she was awake in the night to get a glass of water or use the privy, he'd spring out of bed and call the servants to tend to her. It could be a little overbearing, but Emilie didn't discourage Johannes. After all, he was just excited that they were going to be having their first baby after so many years of wishing for one.
"How is our precious child today?" Johannes asked, his eyes sliding down to Emilie's protruding belly and grinning. He pressed his warm hand on top of Emilie's, whispering gentle words to the baby inside her. "Did he or she miss their father while he was stuck in all those bothersome meetings with snooty advisors?"

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