Chapter 8

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Rain poured overhead, Falconheart wished that he could be back in his nest, but unfortunately there was tasks around camp that needed to be done. Falconheart trudged across the wet stone hollow, forcing himself to ignore his drenched pelt and get to work. He looked across the camp, most cats were hiding inside their dens unless Cinderflame needed them on patrol or out hunting. Cherryleaf's kits were restricted to the nursery and both medicine cats were staying inside unless they were needed.

Falconheart flicked his wet tail and began searching for Cinderflame, hoping to get out and do something to keep his paws busy despite being covered with rain. He spotted the deputy stepping out of Dawnstar's den, wincing at the rain and looking around.

Falconheart quickly crossed the hollow to reach the deputy. "Hey there." Falconheart greeted through the rain. "Got something for me to do?"

"Sure," Cinderflame nodded, wincing at the rain. "Why don't you go hunting? Go ahead and gather Petalbreeze, Adderstrike, Mudfall and Briarrose.

He gathered the cats that Cinderflame suggested and they ventured out into the wet forest. They spread out to cover more ground and Falconheart decided to hunt near the MoonClan border, he hoped that since most cats hadn't been hunting there that more prey would be lurking around there, he would just have to avoid the river.

As he padded closer to the border, frigid water touched his paws and he jumped back in alarm. He cursed at himself, realizing that he was nearing the flooded river. I don't know if I'll get used to the river being this high. Falconheart shook his paws dry and was about to turn and walk away when he spotted movement. He peered through the trees and spotted Shadowstar walking on the rock pile.

The MoonClan leader was walking carefully along the rocks were glossy from the rain falling down on them, they looked slippery. Shadowstar crept up on the edge of the rocks, sending his yellow gaze down into the water. Falconheart had never seen a cat catch a fish, and he was slightly curious to see how they did it, so he stayed put.

Shadowstar waited many moments doing nothing, his gaze was focused intently on the water flowing beneath him. He narrowed his eyes and quick as an adder, his paw shot into the water and flipped out a silver bodied fish. Shadowstar leaned down and killing the fish with a swift bite to the neck. That was impressive. Falconheart thought, he wasn't sure if he could catch a fish, or even if he wanted to.

Shadowstar pushed the fish to the side and stood up, moving to a new fishing location. Falconheart stood up himself, ready to move on and leave Shadowstar fish in peace. Before Falconheart could leave, however, he watched Shadowstar's paw give out from under him as he stepped.

The leader's body fell to the ground and his head cracked against the rock with a sickening noise. Falconheart's chest tightened as he watched the leader slip into the water. Falconheart stared in horror at where Shadowstar had vanished. What do I do? Falconheart thought in a panic. He's not coming up!

Falconheart had to do something, he couldn't just let the MoonClan leader drown. Falconheart dared himself to step into the water. The water was cold and tugged at his tabby pelt but he pushed through it. The water got deeper with every step, he knew he would have to swim soon. Falconheart took another step forward, only to find nothing but water. His heart was roaring in his ears, but he kicked his forepaw out and began clumsily swimming out towards the rocks. He kicked wildly, just trying to keep his head above water. Water splashed on his muzzle, Falconheart grit his teeth and kept swimming forward.

He reached the rocks and heaved himself up onto them, grateful for the quick break from the water. His entire body shivered, but he wasn't done yet. Falconheart quickly padded to where Shadowstar had fallen into the river and jumped in himself. He took in a deep breath and dived beneath the surface. Everything about his actions felt wrong. Cats don't belong underwater! But the situation was dire, he had to help.

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