Chapter 18

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Nightheart stared up at the sky, the dark clouds were looming in quickly. The storm is coming quickly, and we have to be ready. Nightheart, along with the rest of AshClan, had been training extra hard to try and prepare for Echoheart's attack. They had all but given up on patrolling borders and spent time training and preparing. Nightheart had spent most of her time honing in on Sagepaw's fighting skills. She really didn't want the young apprentice fighting, but they might not have a choice.

If Sagepaw was going to fight, Nightheart wanted to give her a chance to live and the apprentice's skills were getting as sharp as her claws. She hated that both her and Hailpaw were having to fight in such a dangerous battle at such a young age. Everyone knew that Echoheart would give anything for her revenge, and she would kill any cat who got in her way, apprentice, kit or elder. They had already learned that.

"Nightheart!" Nightheart heard a voice calling her name and looked across the camp to see Lilyclaw standing with Ravensong, Skyfeather and Primroseheart. "Get Sagepaw, we're going hunting."

Nightheart nodded and padded towards the apprentice den where Sagepaw and Hailpaw were sharing a piece of prey. "Hey, Sagepaw." Nightheart greeted her apprentice. "Want to come hunting?"
"Of course!" Sagepaw jumped to her paws and looked at Hailpaw. "See you later, Hailpaw!" She trotted along with Nightheart to join in on the patrol.

"Are we ready?" Lilyclaw mewed. "Remember, don't stray too far from each other." Nightheart kept close with Sagepaw and Primroseheart as they began hunting. Nightheart watched as Sagepaw expertly caught a squirrel. She's getting so good. Nightheart thought proudly. After Sagepaw caught a few more pieces of prey, Nightheart decided to catch some of her prey.

She spotted a vole and successfully tracked and hunted it with ease. She buried her catch and began looking around for Sagepaw. I went off too far. She thought. Nightheart tensed when heard the rustling of leaves. She came to a stop in her tracks. "Sagepaw? Is that you?"

"I'm afraid not." Nightheart's fur stood on end as Echoheart stepped out of the shadows, her green eyes glinting with malice. It didn't take long for several more rogues to step out beside Echoheart, surrounding Nightheart. "You really made this too easy, Nightheart." Nightheart unsheathed her claws and hissed, something told her that she wasn't leaving this without a fight. I'll give my life if I have to.

"I wouldn't recommend fighting." Echoheart growled. "If you try, then we'll wait for your apprentice to come back and I'll just kill her instead."

"I'd never let that happen." Nightheart spat.

"And it won't," Echoheart lashed her tail. "As long as you come with me."

Nightheart's claws raked the forest floor, she didn't really have a choice in the matter. It was either follow Echoheart or fight her way out, and chances are she wouldn't survive that. "Fine." Nightheart snarled.

"Good." Echoheart's eyes glinted. "Let's get going." Echoheart began leading Nightheart and her rogues towards the gathering hollow. Nightheart noticed she was very clearly avoiding LichenClan territory. They crossed through the gathering hollow and into the unclaimed territory.

As they ventured closer to the mountains, Nightheart caught the rotting scent of crowfood. "Do you guys live off crowfood?" Nightheart asked with an edge to her voice.

"Some of these rogues don't exactly have the highest standards." Echoheart snorted. They reached there camp, it was mostly stone caves with rogues lurking around and talking to each other. Half of them looked ragged and flea-bitten. For a moment, Nightheart caught the gaze of Graypelt. She didn't linger looking at him for too long, she didn't want Echoheart to get suspicious. I just have to stick it out for a little. Nightheart told herself.

Echoheart led Nightheart to a small cave at the base of the rocks. "You have company." She called into the den, confusing Nightheart. Is someone else in there? Echoheart shoved Nightheart forward, she hissed over her shoulder but padded into the den. In the very back of the den, huddled up with eyes wide in fear, was Honeyfrost.

"Honeyfrost?" Nightheart stared in shock. Echoheart's been busy.

Honeyfrost moved her head slightly forward, presumably trying to get a better look at Nightheart. "Nightheart?"

"When did you get here?" Nightheart questioned, sitting down in the cave.

"E-earlier today." Honeyfrost's voice trembled. She's terrified.

"Hmph." Nightheart snorted and slumped her shoulders. "How did she get you? I figured you would've been confined to camp or something."

"I probably should have been." Honeyfrost muttered. "My mother made a rule that I can't leave camp unless I have five warriors with me. I followed a hunting patrol out so I could get some herbs. I ventured off for a second and Echoheart found me." She turned away. "It's my fault I'm here."

Nightheart had never really spoken to Honeyfrost, she had built up a distaste for the medicine cat because of her relationship with Blackstorm. That really wasn't fair. Honeyfrost was gentle, she was a medicine cat just as Blackstorm was but she had a tenderness to her, she honestly reminded Nightheart a little of Rabbitspring.

"It's not your fault." Nightheart assured Honeyfrost who turned back to face her. "It's Echoheart's fault. You're a medicine cat, you shouldn't have to roam your own territory in fear." Honeyfrost didn't respond, she just stared at her paws.

They had a long moment of silence, Nightheart felt uncomfortable. She could tell that Honeyfrost was terrified, and she was a medicine cat with probably very minimal battle training. She's not going to be able to fight her way out of here. Nightheart thought. And since we're stuck here for at least tonight, I should try and build up some sort of alliance with her. We're in this together.

"So," Nightheart spoke quietly. "I know about you and my brother."

Honeyfrost's entire body went rigid. "Oh...right."
"I know that you two ended it," Nightheart added. "I'm sorry you two had to go through that. I couldn't imagine not being able to be with the cat I wanted to."

Honeyfrost stared sadly at the floor. "It really wasn't a mutual decision. I'm the one who ended it all. I hurt him, I know I did and I'm sorry for that, but we were just going to get hurt even more if we let the relationship continue."

"He is hurt, but aren't you hurting also?"

Honeyfrost looked away.

"I was mad at first, but that anger drove me and Blackstorm apart. I didn't understand what he was going through, and I think that hurt him even more. He was hurting alone, and it was because of me." Nightheart gazed out the den, past the two rogues guarding them. "SInce then we've rekindled our friendship, but I still feel bad for him." She looked back at Honeyfrost. "And I feel bad for you too. You seem like a kind cat, and you shouldn't have to hurt like that."

"It's okay." Honeyfrost said under her breath. "I made my choice, and I don't regret it. I just wish I didn't have to hurt Blackstorm in the process. I still really care about him, I don't think that I'll ever stop." Her eyes were covered with a dark shadow. "Whatever happens to me--I just want him to know that. I want him to know that no matter what, I'll always care for him. My heart will always belong to him, even if we can't be together." Honeyfrost met Nightheart's gaze with pleading in her eyes. "If I die, can you please tell him that? And tell him that I'll be waiting for him in the stars."

Nightheart could barely believe what she was hearing. She really loves him. Nightheart thought of Rabbitspring, she wouldn't be able to handle not being with her. These two have sacrificed so much, including each other. There was something else that also bothering Nightheart. "You're not going to die, Honeyfrost." Nightheart mewed boldy. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Stay will me and I'll protect you until I can get you back to your Clan."

Honeyfrost's eyes were filled with surprise, she gave a small nod. "Thank you, Nightheart." Honeyfrost sighed. "I just hope we can get that far."

"This battle is happening soon." Nightheart mewed. "The sky is dark, and the storm is coming." No matter what, I'll get Honeyfrost home. We'll survive this battle.

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