You will thank both

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People don't last
Friends don't last
Sometimes even family don't last

Who says love can be a mistake?
Loving someone can be a mistake?
That ruin our lives
Ruin our peace
Makes our lives becoming hell

We are learning from our mistakes
Why living if we don't make mistakes?

You love someone
You think he's the one
He left you
He broke you

And then you love again
And now he's the one
You are living the best life with him
Love, cuddles, kisses, caring
You understand each other
You are besides each other
No matter what happen
Through good times and bad times

But guess what

You will thank both

Who broke your heart
And who has picked up the pieces of your heart and put them together
So it can beat again

The both have taught you amazing things about life
The dark side and the brillant side

This is how life works

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