Be proud of yourself

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You are probably wondering
How can i cope with this
You as woman
As a warrior
Know your worth
Don't let no man make you feel down or hated
Or even hate your reflection on the mirror

Be proud of yourself
Be proud of this experience
Be proud of this mistake
Be proud of this love you gave him

You are learning, beauty
This is one of large numbers of things they don't teach us at school

Learning from our mistakes
No matter what we went through
No matter who we loved

It's all good
You learnt something
Be grateful
Be thankful
Love yourself
Stop the negative self-talk
Put yourself first
Make yourself a priority
It's not selfish
It's good for your mental health
Be humble
Accept yourself the way you are
Accept your mistakes the way they are

It will hurt at first
But try to not be sad when someone walk away from you
Take advantage of this situation to know
Who you are
Figure out where you are
Don't try to get him back
Try to teach yourself and figure out how to go through it again

I believe in you
You can overcome this

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