Chapter 3

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I let out a groan as I woke up. It was dark around me so I tried to turn on the lamp on my bedside table, but something was stopping me. It dug into my wrists and held me in place. I tried to move my legs, but it was almost impossible. Just then I realised that I was chained to something. Was it a bed? Most likely, it was comfortable enough. I was trying to remember what happened or how I got in here and then it hit me.


He killed someone. A human being. He saw me, looking at him. And then he ran after me. Wait, but I got rid of him, didn't I? At least that's what I remember. I know that after that, I joined the anti-gay march and went home. I don't remember making it into the house, though. Something had to happen just before I got home.

I let out a frustrated sigh and looked around the room. I couldn't really see anything, but the situation reminded me of my dream. In fact, I think it's even the same room. Hold on, this must be just another dream. Thanks God, now I just have to wake up. I closed my eyes and dug my nails into my palm since I couldn't do anything else like pinch myself.


I was still in the same room. Fine, let's try it once again. I did the same thing, but once more, nothing happened.

"Ugh, c'mon." I groaned, digging my nails into my palm again. I repeated my actions a couple times more before I sighed and lay on the pillow that was under my head. "Fucking great." I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly, I saw a door being opened, sending light into the dark room. There was someone walking down the stairs. Again, this was so incredibly similar to my dream.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty." That voice was oddly familiar to me. It's like I've heard it before. It was so soft, yet it sent shivers down my spine. It seemed so kind, yet so terrifying.

"Where am I?" I asked him. I was trying not to sound too weak nor too ignorant. He could hurt me for all I know.

"In my basement." He answered, clearly with a smile on his face. I could hear by his voice that he was smiling. Great, he's s fucking psycho. "Do you know who I am?" He asked. I heard him come closer to the bed, but not close enough for me to see his face.

"N-no." I stuttered a little. Really smooth, Kellin. I still haven't figured out from where do I know that voice. He could be a customer from Justin's shop. Or someone from Starbucks. It could be anyone.

"And do you want to?" I don't know, do I want to? I guess curiosity got the best of me and I nodded, soon realizing that he can't probably see me.

"Yeah." I admitted.

He chuckled and came even closer to the bed. I then heard clicking sound and a little bulb on the ceiling lit up the room. I guess he was telling the truth when he said that I was in a basement. There wasn't much in there, though. A bed I was lying on, a small wooden table to my left and that was pretty much it. I looked in front of me and my eyes widened a little. Let's just say that I didn't get rid of Vic at all. Was it too late to turn the light back off?

"You sick fuck!" I yelled at him, suddenly feeling all kinds of things. Anger, betrayal maybe, hatred, but mostly disgust. "Let me the fuck go!" I was shaking the handcuffs, trying to set myself free, but it was useless. I let groaned in frustration as I gave up and let my head fall back on the pillow.

"But Kellin, why would I do that? We've hardly had any fun." He smiled sweetly. It sickened me. What does he mean by fun? He kept the smile on his face as he crawled on the the bed and straddled my waist.

"What are yo-" He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. What the actual fuck?! I tried to move my head, but he held it in place, moving his lips against mine. He then began rocking his lower half into mine and I panicked. I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing that came to my mind. I gathered as much force as I could and bit him in his bottom lip and not in a seductive way. He groaned in pain and pulled away, slapping me across my cheek. I gasped and my mouth widened into the shape of 'O'.

"You fucking slut!" He yelled at me. "Do yout think you have the rights to disobey me? No, you fucking don't. I wanted to go easy on you, but you didn't give me any other choice." He snapped and got off of me, walking up the stairs. Where is he going? What the fuck's going on? Is he going to hurt me?

My thoughts were cut off by Vic closing the door and coming back down. But he was holding something this time. My eyes widened as I realised what he was holding. They were knives and something what looked like a dagger.


He put the weapons on the table and I couldn't help but watch him. His back was facing me, but I still could tell what he was doing. He was picking out which one to use on me. I felt my eyes watering as he picked up one of the biggest knives of his little 'collection'. He smiled at me and got on the bed again.

"Vic, I'm sorry. You do-"

"Shut the fuck up!" He snapped at me and straddled me again. "You should have thought it out before you bit me." He said a little bit more calmly. Suddenly, it all became too much for me and the tears began rolling down my cheeks. He frowned as he saw me crying. I just kept sobbing, ignoring his look. Soon enough, though, I was out of tears and was just sniffing every once in a while.

"You done?" He asked , but before I could answer him, he lifted up my shirt and dug the tip of his knife into my stomach. I screamed out in agony as he kept going, creating a horizontal cut across my belly. I felt so hopeless. I couldn't fucking do anything. I couldn't move my arms, my legs and not even the rest of my body, being pinned down by Vic's weight.

"Please, it hurts s-so m-much." I cried out. I mentally prayed for the torture to stop and I guess it helped because next thing I know is Vic taking the knife away from my body and getting up from the bed. I knew he was staring at me, but I was more focused on the wound on my stomach. It wasn't that deep, but it did hurt a lot and the fact that I was still sobbing didn't really help it. I looked at Vic with nothing but anger in my eyes, but he was glaring at my stomach. It was like he was hypnotized. He eventually looked into my eyes and I just rolled them at him, gazing anywhere else.

He placed the knife back on the table and went over to the stairs, walking them up. I watched him as he stopped at the top and turned his head slightly in my direction.

"Night." He said and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.


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