Xicor vs Goku! The Battle for the Universe.

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Xicor - Come on Father is that all you got.

Goku - I'm not your father!

As Goku delivers a punch but misses and receives a kick to the gut.

Goku - Damn you really are strong but I know your holding back.

Xicor - Yes as well as you are but it doesn't mean we can't have fun.

But in a moment Vegeta came in and kicked Xicor pushing to a far away mountain.

Vegeta - Damn it Kakarot! THIS IS OUR FIGHT NOT JUST YOURS!

Goku smiled and turn to the next level and saw that the others were ready for a fight.

Xicor - So you all wanna gang up on me that's fine I'll kill you all.

Celeron and Kaine went first and tried to punch Xicor only to be blocked as they flip behind him and Kaine shot a blast to the ground creating a smoke screen only to be blown away by Xicor.

Xicor - Foolish I know this trick.

He speeds to Broly and sees Goku kicking his face and Vegeta punching his face.

Goku/Vegeta - Lets see how you like this!

As they both attack Xicor and as he's struggling a little since their coordination is crazy and it's throwing him off.

As they both attack Xicor and as he's struggling a little since their coordination is crazy and it's throwing him off

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Xicor - (Damn I can't move around their coordination is throwing me off)

Goku and Vegeta were on the offense and Xicor was getting more angry so he powered up to a form not even Vegeta and the others seen.

Xicor - You know I'm happy now this was the challenge I needed and thanks to you I will finally show my power. HAAAAAAAAAA!

The earth was shaking and it was affecting the evacuation.

Izuku - What the...Whats going on over there?!

Eri - T-This e-e-energy is so high I-I'm scared Mama what if papa doesn't win?

Ochako - Don't think like that your dad is the strongest!

(Back with Goku)

Goku - This power it's incredible I never seen anyone this strong.

Xicor had a smile while the others were shocked by this new power.

Xicor had a smile while the others were shocked by this new power

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