Swap Patrols. Chapter 1.

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"KitKat, time for patrol" Lance said with a sweet smile as he leaned on his girlfriend desk. 

"nope its time for your patrol with keith and hunk" Pidge said with a sweet smile and looked up from her desk compute. 

"why mullet" Lance groaned.

"thanks dude" Keith hissed back since Keith desk was opposite pidge while lance was next to her desk with hunk opposite lance. 

"I have that meeting today remember, I been telling you about it since last week, I remind you everyday and this morning" Pidge sighed as she held lance hand. 

"how could you forget after she reminded you so much, everyone in the station knows about it since she told you so many times over the week" Hunk said with a worried smile. 

"I cant help it when I forget things" Lance pouted making pidge see him as cute. 

"its only for today patrol then it be us again, just play nice" Pidge smiled at her boyfriend.

"maybe you should swap lance for me, then we both could get our cases done without any problems and leave kindest man in the world and idiot to work on cases together" Keith smirked with his arms crossed.

"well shiro did wonder how come lance and Pidge became partners when everyone knows pidge and keith would make a better duo in work, I'm sure if you asked to swap they would let you" Hunk said with a small smile.

"but why would she want grumpy over her sweet, loving and handsome boyfriend" Lance smiled proudly.

"becuase unlike my cheeky, sexy, kind, hot and loving boyfriend .. keith dose his work" Pidge smirked back as she stood up and kissed lance cheek. 

"but I make you peanut cookies late in the night after a hard shift and I stay up late with you when you cant sleep plus I love you more then him" Lance pouted and pidge giggled. 

"that why I love you and not keith, your my boyfriends lance dont get so jealous" Pidge smiled lovingly at lance before giving him a pec. 

"lance remember your pidge girlfriend not keith" Hunk grinned as keith rolled his eyes at the jealous idiot since everyone knew Keith was gay. 

"I need to go but I be back in time for the end of your shift, wanna walk together" Pidge smiled and lance nodded with a grin before kissing his girlfriend once before letting her run out to a meeting. 

"lance, keith and hunk move out I need you on patrol already" shiro yelled from his office.

"yes chief" Hunk smiled as they grabbed their hats.

"tell matt I love him and shiro I can see Adam feet under your desk" Keith smirked as they walked to the door. Everyone knew keith was dating Matt Holt the station pathologist and pidge big brother. (pathologist dose the Autopsies).

"so shiro can hide Adam in his office but I cant place my hands on Pidge cute ass in the station .. so unfair" Lance yells before they leave making all the cops roll their eyes. 

"hey lance, what is pidge meeting about" Hunk asked as they walked past a park and saw children playing.

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