Awkward. Chapter 4.

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"lance why the hell are you not wearing your uniform shirt, we got a important job today" Shiro yelled in a panic since they be leaving in half n hour.

"dont worry, i got my uniform shirt in the bag, i just felt like wearing this to work ... read it" Lance grinned brightly and ran over to his friends and pidge brother with excitement. 

"I'm gonna be a badass dad" hunk read out loud and the room fell silent.

"no fucking way" Keith said with a huge grin and Lance grin grew.

"lance got someone pregnant, dose Pidge know" Matt said with worry and lance frowned.

"matt, read my shirt" Pidge sighed as she came in her own mother top with her uniform shirt in the bag.

"I'm gonna be a badass mum" Hunk read with a grin before hugging the two.

"no way .. I'm gonna be a uncle .. wait my sister pregnant .. how dare you make my sister pregnant" Matt said with a excited grin before getting mad and shaking Lance.

"this is amazing, congrats" Keith smiled brightly and hugged pidge before awkwardly hugging lance quickly. 

"I'm happy for you both, I'm guessing the meeting i had planned with you tomorrow was gonna be about this" Shiro said with a bright smiled.

"yeah but i wanted to tell you all the news before just telling one of you guys and then lance wanted to come in our tops since he still overjoyed by the news" Pidge giggled.

"I'm so happy, i might cry" Hunk said with a bright smile and already crying tears of joy.

"well we better get changed into our uniform" Lance smiled and took Pidge hand before leading them to the changing room lockers. 

"now it makes sense why pidge kept asking us about children and stuff" Hunk smiled.

"yeah, she must have been wondering if being pregnant was good news or not during this age and with work but I'm glad they both so happy" Keith smiled and crossed his arms.

"i cant believe my sister all grown up" Matt said with a grin and rested his head on keith shoulder. 

"I'm just happy those two aren't mad anymore and happy to have a family" Shiro smiled and the two lovers came walking back in full uniform. 

"ready to head out" Pidge asked with a bright smile.

"yeah, you take care and you be extra careful or i slap lance later" Matt said with a smile as he kissed keith cheek before kissing Katie cheek.

"dont worry, we just going to stand around at exists and make sure no one without a badge enters .. it should be more safer then on patrol" Shiro said with a small smile and matt nodded.

"dont wait up for keith, we all been invited to the evening party as a thanks for working under them for a day" Hunk smiled.

"i call you before we go to the party, dont stay up late looking over a body .. i dont really want to enter your lab and pick you where you lay next to one of those bodies .. its creepy" Keith said with a shiver and Pidge laughed.

"I'm a little excited for today, i never been to a really formal party" Lance said with a smile and held pidge hand. 


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