Chapter 3: First Dungeon

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Stefano decided not to manage the dungeon yet since no one discovered it yet, so no need to manage it for now. The monsters inside the dungeon was growing stronger each day and was multiplying really fast. It was untouched for 20 years and hasn't done any Outbreaks so it was really outragous.

He only decided to let things go as it is for now and left the Dungeon. That room was supposed to be the Operator's room, no one can go inside aside from the Dungeon Boss' permission.

After leaving, Stefano rushed out to his room and notice that it was already night time. His mom was already alseep when he went down to eat that was left for him.
Soon after he finished eating he then went to sleep right away.

Morning had come and he rushed all the way to the kitchen to tell her mom the good news.

"!! I have something to tell you" Stefano was so energetic that his mom was shocked but was also happy seeing his most beloved son having a really bright smile on his face.

"Hmm, looks like someone slept on a good side of the bed. So, what is it that you are so eager to tell me?" His mom told him with a gentle smile.

"I awakened into a Hunter! Soon, you will not have to work anymore, Mom. Leave everything up to me sooner or later." he said it proudly.

His mother doesn't know what to say, she just started crying. She was overwhelmed about what she heard. Worried, shocked, proud, and felt many more undescribable emotions.

Stefano smiled and just hugged her mother till she stopped and calmed down a little.

"So, what can I do?"

Her mom asked because she knew his son needed money for a weapon to pierce through the thick skin of those monster. Without a weapon is like sending an ant to fight a dragon.

" Don't worry about it. Just try to slowly not have multiple jobs till I earn some and register to a guild so that you do not have to work ever again. Mom, you deserve to be happy for all the sacrifices you had done for me" he said that and just smiled then left.

"Ehhhhh!!? Did he just walk out of the door thinking he was acting cool. Oh my, oh my, seems like someone getting a lecture later on. Well, honey. Our son has grown up." she smiled and went back to get ready to work.


After an hour, Stefano arrived at the nearest Dungeon in Downtown, Los Angeles. Stefano lived near East Hollywood so it wasn't really far from it.

The Dungeon he was going belongs to a Knight of Hell named Furcas. Knight Furcas ruled 20 legions of demons. The Humanity has broken through 8th floor so far. It could have been 10th or 11th floor if S-rank hunters would raid it but Knight Furcas ranked 50th amongst the 72 Demons so they never set foot in it.

Knight Furcas' Dungeon was considered a low-level dungeon. It's a good start for F-rank hunters. Stefano entered a facility and registered as a hunter. He had saved 800$ by not spending his allowance, he knew one day if he had awakened then he need 500$ fee for registration.

After registering, he was given a card with an 《F》 inisgnia on it. The other hunters looked at him entering without a weapon, they just thought that it was another idiot wanting to become rich without thinking about his safety.

After a few minutes of walking, Stefano finally stopped and looked at the Gigantic entrance. It was a 10 feet tall and 5 feet width. He entered without thinking much about it, he has always been calm when it comes to fighting. It was his forte to remain calm during a fight, this is what he had been training ever since he was 10 years old when joining the kids tournaments for martial arts. He called it Total Concentration, which would make him completely calm but he has to maintain his breathing form. He has done this for 6 years non-stop everyday. He would wake up, exercise, meditate, and the rest is breathing even when he is doing something. He believed that a calm mind and calm heart can get through any hardship.

He had now been walking for roughly around 10 minutes and finally found a monster. It was a goblin. Each floor has normal monsters, elite, then floor boss.

《Name: Goblin
Level: 3
Rank: Normal》

I should be alright, Stefano took a huge breath then let it out. He dashed towards the Goblin with all his might. He wanted to make sure he would win so he can activate 2 of his passive skills.

As soon as he arrived infront of the Goblin, Stefano was shocked because he had closed in the gap of 15 meters away in just a mere 2 seconds. He lost control of his speed so he stopped and jump back. He had to adjust first, back when he was an ordinary human, his attributes was only 10-15 which was considered good. But now, he had become 10x stronger the way he was before. He had to adjust so he ran around the Goblin to test his speed from small to fullest of his capacity.

The Goblin was confused, he seems to think that this human must have lost his mind. The Goblin readied his club in case the human gets near him.

After 5 minutes, Stefano had full controll of his speed. He even tried punching the air like a douch bag to know the extent of his speed and stregnth. He could be considered an E-rank at peak at that.

Without delay, he rushed to the Goblin and tried to feint attack. The Goblin was only 3 feet tall while Stefano was almost 6 feet high, the club was about to hit his stomach but he jumped the last minute and went behind the goblin's back and punch its head to his limit.


Shiiiit!!! The goblin was sent back 20 meters away from his position which made Stefano shocked beyond words. That punch was already strong even though he is just starting.


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