Writer's Interjection

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                                      In this story, there are Askers and Aggregates. Both are only human. Aggregates ask questions just as anyone else. Askers can give answers.

The story is given from the archaic, mythologized perspective of the situation. The narrator was once an aggregate, and is now maintaining the legacy of his life through spoken word. But the narrator's perspective and biases are not all knowing, and the reality is their tribe has strange ideas and customs based off legends and myths.

The "Shadows" are reflections off the wall in front of the Aggregates. Specifically, the shadows are those of the Askers. Askers use the fire, shadows, and auditory qualities of the cave which Aggregates are imprisoned to give the perception that the shadows are not reflections of their silhouettes, but that the shadows are actually their true physical form. Therefore, from an Aggregate's perspective, the sound of the voice would be coming from the shadow because of the way sound bounces around the cave walls. The shadow moves and speaks. To the perspective of the aggregates, the shadow is the one asking the questions. The Aggregate only knows the wall in front of them and what is told to them by Askers.

The Aggregate faith is only a belief held by a dead culture. Askers were just men, and so were their Aggregates.


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