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Real Name: Kevin
Hero Name: Spider-Man
Age: 16
Abilities: Enhanced Strength. Enhanced Speed. Enhanced Reflexes & Agility. Enhanced Balance. Enhanced Healing Factor. Web-Shooters.
Web-Swinging. Wall-Crawling. Spider-Sense.
Moveset: Web-Ball. Spider-Sting. Web-Swing.
Web-Throw. Web-Glide.
Gadget: Holo Decoys.


The Scarlet Spider

The Scarlet Spider

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My OC's Spider-Man has three Semblances. Let's check it out.

1st Semblance: Maximum Spider

Maximum Spider is one of (Marvel) Spider-Man's hyper combos in all of the Marvel vs. Capcom games Spider-Man has been in. Jumping towards the back of the screen, Spider-Man vaults forward and performs several flying kicks through his opponent, ensnaring them in a series of webs. Spider-Man then finishes the Hyper Combo with one final, powerful foot-stomp to send the opponent crashing down. If the initial first hit of Maximum Spider is blocked, the Hyper Combo will stop there. Before MvC3, Spidey would simply leap from wall to wall punching and kicking his opponent.

2nd Semblance: Crawler Assault

Crawler Assault is one of Spider-Man's Hyper Combos. Spider-Man dashes forward and unleashes a flurry of berserker punches and flips before finally kicking the opponent away.

3rd Semblance: Ultimate Web-Throw

Ultimate Web Throw is one of Spider-Man's Hyper Combos. Spider-Man leaps backward into the air, and then fires a giant triangular web from his web-shooters. If the web connects, it ensnares his opponent and he swings them around in overhead circles several times before finally slamming his opponent into the ground. Despite its look, it can only work on midair opponents even if they block, so it works well as an anti-air.


Member 1

Real Name: Luna Loud
Hero Name: Luna Frost
Age: 16 (I'm changing Luna's Age to 16)
Abilities: Cold and Ice Manipulation. Ice Powers. Ability to assume an enhanced physical form made of ice. Ice Shards. Freeze Beam. Polar Explosion.
Ice Slide. Blizzard. Frost Bite. Frigid Aura.

Semblance: Deep Freeze

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Semblance: Deep Freeze

This semblance will deliver some massive cold blast damages and slows all enemies with a chance to freeze.

Member 2

Name: Ryuko Matoi
Age: 17
Abilities: Life Fiber Synchronize.
Mastered Scissor Blade. Superhuman Strength.

Semblance: Berserk Mode

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Semblance: Berserk Mode

The Kamui iniates a bunch of high powered attacks at random. Ryuko can still move but she must get close to opponents to cause damage.

Member 3

Name: Akame
Age: 18
Abilities: Mastered Swordswomen. Stealth.
Physical Abilities. Teigu. Shingu. Meihou.

Semblance: One-Cut Killer: Murasame

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Semblance: One-Cut Killer: Murasame

Murasame was a cursed blade that could kill a person with a single cut. Once the sword pierced the skin, a poisonous curse spread through the victim's body, killing them within seconds by stopping their heart. The curse appeared as black markings that originated from the wound and spread across the victim's skin. These markings vanished once the person had died. But Akame was later healed by The Scarlet Spider from his healing abilities.

That's all.

Ruby Rose x OC Spider-Man: Along Came A Spider-RoseWhere stories live. Discover now