all was golden when the day met the night

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The bell rang and I rushed out of class and turned the corner to the right. I stood by the wall and stared at the ground, watching shoes go past me and feeling my heart race.

Dallon fucking Weekes.

"Ryan!" Tyler shouted. I quickly looked up and felt relief travel through me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I shrugged. "I guess." Tyler sighed. "Come on, let's go find Josh and Brendon." He held onto my wrist and started running off.

"Why are we running?" I asked. "Dallon was coming up to you and I don't want another fight." He explained. I didn't answer.

     We stopped in the middle of the halls. "Thank you." I smiled. Tyler nodded. "Now, let's go find Josh." Tyler said.

The both of us made our way down the halls until we saw a familiar face. "Hey Josh!" I shouted. Josh turned around and smiled. "Hi Ryan! Hey Tyler!" He came over to us.

"How was class?" Josh asked. "Hell." I groaned. "Dallon thought it would be smart to sit by him and annoy him. If it weren't for me, Ryan would probably be suspended." Tyler shrugged. "It's true." I nodded. "Wow, Dallon's a dick." Josh's eyes widened. "You're telling me this as if I have no idea who he is." I chuckled. Josh didn't seem to get it and seemed a little hurt. "No, Josh, I was just being sarcastic. Don't take it too seriously, I was just messing around." I immediately told him. Josh's face lit up a little. "Sorry, I'm just... I'm not really used to having friends." He laughed.

     Tyler and I frowned.

     "You'll get used to it soon, don't worry." Tyler grinned. Josh looked down and smiled.


     I turned around and saw Gerard coming towards me. "Hey Gee!" I waved. "What's up?" He raised his hand up. "I kinda wanna beat someone up, but that's fine!" I gave him a high five. Gerard looked confused. "What's wrong with him?" He asked. I turned and saw Josh. He looked like he had just seen a ghost. "Josh, relax, he's not that bad." I laughed. "He's scared?" Gerard tilted his head before smiling. "Look, don't worry, I'm not as scary as I seem." He said. "Yeah, he's actually pretty chill." I told Josh.

"Who are you guys anyways?" Gerard asked. "I'm Joshua Dun, but you can call me Josh." Josh stuttered. "I'm Tyler Joseph." Tyler waved. "Nice." Gerard nodded his head.

     Suddenly, I remembered what Brendon, Gerard, and I were talking about earlier and I smiled. "Tyler, Josh, I'll be right back." I said with that completely obvious voice that something was happening. Gerard immediately understood what was going on and he sighed before I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the janitors closet.

     "Ross, be careful where you drag me. People might think we're making out or something. I don't wanna steal Urie's man." Gerard laughed. I rolled my eyes and gave him a light, playful punch on his arm. "Yeah, okay, but you need to tell me. Now." I told him. Gerard groaned. "Okay, okay, fine. I like Frank." He said. My eyes widened. "Frank? Like, Frank Iero? The Frank who introduced me to you? Him?" I gasped. Gerard hesitated then nodded his head. "Yes, Ross. I'm into Frank."

"Wait, but, I always thought you were straight?" I raised my eyebrows. "Hm, well, if it makes you feel better, I'm bi." Gerard shrugged. "Wow. You really just came out to me in the most calm way." I stated. "Really? Didn't notice." He said with a hint of sarcasm. Then there was a knock.

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