Chapter 2

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"You know I really miss the times where we were only battling monsters." A voice grumbled.

"Me too, but luckily this'll be something better than dealing with ooze, besides, we'll be living off of this shit for years." Another replied.

"I wish I could beat the shit out of you for years." The original voice snapped.

"Unless you want to rip every dimension apart amd destroy yourself in the process, you can't. It's okay, internal conflict is normal, we're all flawed," the other calmly retorted. The real pilot sighed as he and his doppelganger stopped walking to continue with their plan, "now, this baby back in my dimension helped me get here. It's just as effective in the guardian world."

"You've been there already?" Ryan questioned.

"I had to test it out, no one spotted me either since I was quick with it." The dimensional clone answered back and looked back down at the orb.

"How are we going to get into the sector? If it's off limits, it should be heavily guarded." Ryan made a point.

"It should be, but it isn't," the twin told him with a smirk, "it's only highly advanced tech and a guardian bind keeping it blocked off."

"What if we get caught?" Ryan inquired.

"Oh relax, would you? No one will find us," the double reassured him. He stopped for a second to think about what he had just said and rephrased his words, "and techincally you're too powerful for them since I'm your subconscious that can only be seen on the technopathic plane that came from another dimension because I help make up your personality and emotions. There's also a more depressing you but, I think that's in a farther dimension-"

"My god, get a handbook for this," Ryan cut him off exasperated, "this is confusing."

"I know right? You'd think there would be one for these kinds of things," the clone agreed. He held out the orb and grasped one side of it and said, "okay, grab on, we don't have much time."

Ryan did as he was told and locked eyes with his doppelganger, who had a bright smile on his face. The actual technopath shared that expression while the two were beamed into the guardian world. However, the two were unaware of what had been happening right under their noses. A few seconds after they had left, the robot was revealed to have been invisible the entire time. It was silent for a reason, a very smart reason for that matter.

"What's a sector?" Spyder asked, currently sitting in his spot in the machine.

"Do I look like guardian to you? I don't know, but it must hold something big if it's off limits." Mark replied from above on the X-deck.

"I'm wondering how we didn't notice him sooner," Mackenzie said from the defensive position. She looked down at the floor for a second and sighed in defeat, "damn, I suck at this."

"No you don't, you can't track or predict everything Mackenzie." Harris comforted her through his Mech link as he hid alongside part of the team in the guardian world.

"He's right, it's not your fault. We wouldn't be in this mess if someone didn't keep their mouth shut when they knew what the hell was going on the entire time." Alyssa snapped through her Mech link.

"I just knew who he was and that he was here, that's it. Had I known his plan, then I would've said something." Casey responded.

"Him being here is something we could've been on top of. This is exactly why I should've been in charge of all of this." Alyssa said.

"Shut the hell up, you just like getting one over on me," Casey shot back, "don't act like you're perfect and shit!"

Silence had taken over for a brief moment due to the tension between the siblings, with Spyder playing with the settings at his station and Mark having whistled at the small spat. Mackenzie looked at Casey with concern as Alyssa swallowed silently and turned her head to watch for the unwanted guests. Veracity was the first to speak up in a whispered tone of voice, "they're here!"

Seth, Harris, Veracity, and Alyssa watched as the two technopaths casually strolled down the pathway to reach the sector. Harris leaned over to Alyssa and spoke, "we should split up, you and I can go and protect the place they're going to while Seth and V stop them here."

Alyssa nodded and stared at the others for compliance, which was granted. The male genius and female technopath snuck away while the other two positioned themselves to attack.

"Ahh, a home away from home. Well, it will be once we're done with it. Hell, the only thing this place needs is an Italian restaurant. And a pool, a huge pool." The doppelganger talked.

"That doesn't sound too bad, especially since I haven't had Italian food in a while." Ryan did not disagree, his eyes looking around the place.

"Right? And here I thought we'd argue about that too." His clone retorted.

"That's the only thing I can stand about you." Ryan spatted.

That is when the two of them were hit by two painful blasts. They were toppled over one another on the ground, groaning quietly. Veracity covered one side as Seth handled the other. Both of the boys recovered quickly once they saw their opponents and equipped themselves for this fight.

"Wow, this is advanced, and I'm a genius billionaire for crying out loud. I should of been on top of this shit already." Seth commented on the concept of multiple worlds.

"You can be mesmerized later," Veracity told him. The leader in front her did not have one bit spite in his eyes. He was only holding in stance in preparedness. The female genius shook her head in disappointment and asked, "why would you do this? Do you know what this will do to everyone? This is dangerous."

"Doing this will protect everyone for good. I'm doing it to help people, why can't you see that?" Ryan queried to her.

"So you're going to hurt them and help them? That doesn't make any sense Ryan, you can't do that." Veracity tried to talk some sense into him.

"My powers can do good, that's what this is about. I can save lives, I can make them better, hell even find a way for things to feel normal. I need to do this V, I need to see what I can do." Ryan replied.

"When did this become about you? Mech X4 is a team, not just one person, but I guess you forgot that." Veracity retorted with sass.

"No I didn't, I just know how I can make it better." Ryan told her.

"This isn't better Ry-"

"How do you know?! You're not the one who waa adopted because your dad tried to take your powers when you were a baby!" A sigh escaped Seth's mouth at that while Ryan progressed, "your life wasn't an entire lie! You never have to struggle-"

"That does suck, but you're not the only one with problems Ryan! Quit making it all about you-"

"Ooho yeah, yes that's exactly what this is! Yep, the world revolves around me! Every little thing that happens in our lives miraculously has something to do with me and I make sure of it! You want a damn trophy?!" Ryan saracastically quarreled.

The others could hear the argument over their Mech links. They had all remained quiet to listen to the conversation unfold. Seth decided to speak up and say, "Ryan, think about what you doing. Trust me, this is not-"

"Trust you?! What are you even doing here?! Most of everything is your fault! You, Grey, Morris, it's all your fault! You shouldn't even be here!" Ryan snapped at him.

"I'm here to stop you from making a mistake! You're going to regret this!" Seth shouted.

"The only thing I regret is not doing this sooner!" Ryan yelled in return.

"You're being selfish!" Veracity told him, unknowingly throwing his own words right back at him.

Ryan held up his fists. His face held no emotion as his next few words rolles off of his tongue with ease. Cold and hard, he clapped back, "I don't give a shit."

"Finally, let's end this!" His clone encouraged greatly, which gained a rise out of the real pilot. He stared into the eyes of his former friend, ready to take what he felt was rightfully his.

Versus Vengence Part 2Where stories live. Discover now