Hiccstrid School/Snoggletog Special

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If you were to tell fifteen year old Astrid Hofferson that in six years she would find herself on a small island off of the shore of Scotland on Christmas during the biggest blizzard she had ever seen in her life, with her boyfriend of four years as they spent the holiday with his family drinking spiked eggnog and throwing sheep at targets while singing off-tune, inappropriate versions of popular Christmas songs she would call you crazy and promptly turn around with her nose held high, heading off to go study. She may have also insulted you or punched you in the arm, twenty one year old Astrid had to admit that she was such a little pain in the butt back then. But despite the likelihood of it happening, Astrid found herself in this same exact situation when she was twenty one after she told her boyfriend that she wanted to meet his parents since he had met and gotten along great with her dad. He was reluctant at first, but after a few weeks of prodding him, he gave in and told her that they would go see his parents for Christmas. What he didn't tell her, is how strange the interaction would be.

To better explain her story, Astrid figured it was best to start at the beginning, when she first met the person who would eventually become the single most wonderful and annoying boyfriend in the world.

(Sophomore year)

Astrid met Hiccup Haddock at the beginning of their sophomore year of high school and they couldn't have had a worse relationship in the beginning. You see, until Henry(whom she knew him as at the time, before learning that his actual name was 'Hiccup' and that he went by 'Henry' to fit in. Though she solely refers to him as 'Hiccup' now) transferred to her school as a foreign exchange student from an unheard of island nation called Berk, her school was one of the most prestigious and private high schools in the state of California as well as the entire country, Archipelago Private Academy. And Astrid Hofferson was the top student in her grade when it came to academics. Her nearly perfect grades and stellar athletic career made her one of the top students in the schools prestigious and influential history. Truely, she was set to be the top graduating student in the history of the school, that is, until he came along.

Astrid remembers when 'Henry' was introduced as a foreign exchange student from Berk Academy, a no-name school from a no-name country she had never heard of before, by her homeroom teacher at the beginning of the second month of school. By this time Astrid had already ascended to her rightful place at the top of her class when it came to academics and her impressive track and field career from her previous year at State guaranteed her a top spot on the team again this year. Astrid studied Henry as he stood in front of the class, just like she did to every new potential rival to her academic throne, but immediately dismissed him after a few seconds. He was short and scrawny, almost sickly, for his age(which she later learned was fifteen, same as her), he wore unusual clothes, that were miles from being acceptable at a school like Archipelago Private Academy where the students were required to adhere to a strict dress code and uniform at all times, be it in the classroom or in the student dorms that they stayed at during the school year. If his interaction with the teacher when he was asked to introduce himself was anything to go by, he was extremely shy and timid. Moreover, he seemed very uncoordinated, his gait was uneven and he walked with a slight noticeable limp. Astrid at first believed he was just overly clumsy, but upon further investigation(and by investigation she means studying him throughout the next several days to try to figure him out) she decided that he must be suffering from some kind of injury to his left leg, most likely a childhood accident of the sort.

It was on the fifth day of him being at Archipelago, a Friday, that Astrid began to see Henry as more than just another throw away student that posed no threat to her position when they were in math class, honors Algebra II. Which irked her to begin with, since she did not expect such an unassuming student like him to be in the same advanced honors class as her. All seemed normal as the class sat in silence as they took their usual Friday pop quiz based off of the concepts they had learned that week, until only twenty minutes in when Henry clumsily got up from his seat at the back of the class and noisily hobbled his way past her desk at the front of the room, to where the teacher sat at a mahogany desk.

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