Chapter 3 - A Mysterious Premonition

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The next morning at West Bay  

Jervis and Silver walked side by side in silence from their dorm to the West Bay medic room. They had been too caught up in their thoughts to voice them out loud. Soon they arrived at the medic room. It was fairly tiny but comfortable and sustainable nonetheless.

Silver turned the knob of the door and quietly walked in with Jervis in tow.  Rose was already inside , sitting in a chair next to the dark blonde haired girl who lay still on a bed . 

"How is she doing " ? Jervis asked gently , careful not to wake the sleeping girl. Rose looked up him and glanced down at the girl with a concerned face.

" She had serious damage to half of her face but luckily the wounds didn't run too deep to make any permanent damage to her. It looks to me she must of been held captive or a prisoner of some sorts because the amount of bruises on her face and body tells me she wasn't able to defend herself properly ".

Silver raised an eyebrow , giving a skeptical glance at the sleeping girl. 

" If thats so , then why is she armed with two knives on her ? Seems like she can defend herself ".

Jervis cocked his head to the side and Rose shook her head , annoyed that he wasn't giving off much sympathy for this poor girl who has yet to wake up.

" I guess you're right in a way , I mean we did find her still armed when we brought her here . But still , we don't know anything about her so we can't assume anything until she wakes up and tells us herself what happened ". 

Silver and Jervis then started to argue about what they should and shouldn't assume about this mysterious girl , as they have been taught by their master that everyone deserves a second chance.

Rose nodded in agreement at Jervis' statement . She gave a small smile to Jervis thankful for taking her side in this situation , looking at him fondly . Her and Jervis have been childhood friends since they were 8 years old. They both grew up in Woodwyn Village , miles and miles away from West Bay . Sometimes when she looks at him , he reminds her of the lives they had in Woodwyn village when everything was peaceful and good . Although that tranquility didn't last as long as Rose wanted it too unfortunately. It was so sudden when the shadow wizards came in and took over their village. 

From then on it was a living hell in Woodwyn village , especially when their captain arrived the next day and enforced cruel and unfair laws on the civilians of Woodwyn village . The people their soon fell into poverty , including Roses family who were struggling for food and water . Jervis' family were a nobel family, the Yorkshires were well respected in their village and were just able to survive through the poverty with some decency . 

Rose knew their friendship was a risky one to keep in those times . Jervis had too much of a kind heart to not act on his feelings and help her out in difficult times . Which is how they ended up in West Bay actually . Jervis was sentenced to exile because he was caught stealing food for her when he found out she hadn't been able to obtain and consume any food in three days. Jervis saw himself that she was too weak to pull of this act so he did it for her. 

Feeling incredibly guilty for her being the reason Jervis got arrested , it all happened all in the heat of the moment and she had flung the three guards across the town with her new found enchanting magic . She was then charged with the same fate and exiled from their hometown along with Jervis , so they fled together till their legs could no longer take them any further and found themselves at West Bay .  

" - Hello earth to Rose anyone home ? " 

Rose adjusted her eyes on Silver who was waving a hand in front of her now . She hated being caught of guard and spacing out , especially by Silver because he teases her all the time about it.  She swatted his hand away and responded sternly.

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