Chapter 12 - Distracted

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The early sunrise shone brightly through the windows of Rose and Jervis' apartment in Fairvale city. Rose slowly opened her sleepy eyes and blushed as last night's events came crashing into her memory . She mentally facepalmed - ' How did I give in so easily ? Now he's never going to let this go . '

She realised that her head was resting on his bare chest , Jervis still fast asleep. Rose lifted herself up on her elbows and gently shook Jervis awake , they should of left earlier this morning but they - uh - got distracted.

' A distraction that can't happen again'

Opening his eyes with a sweet smile on his face he mumbled a good morning to her . Rose returned the smile briefly but out of bed quickly and put her pink vest on . She picked up Jervis' white coat and chucked it at him.

" We need to go now , we slept in a little . We can't lose the trail I set up otherwise we have no chance of getting Silver and Ashley back . "

" Crap - yeah s-sorry , let's get out of this city right away"

Jervis blushed a little in embarrassment and Rose could sense he was blaming himself for this situation. He immediately jumped out of bed and threw on his favourite coat. The two mages left the hotel in a hurry , renting two horses on the way. They needed to catch up quickly so they borrowed two horses ( not knowing when they would be returned ) from the local fairvale stables.

As Rose and Jervis mounted their chestnut brown horses Rose lifted her hands and worked her magic once again. A red substance flowed out of her hands and surrounded the horses legs .

" Enhance speed and stamina"

At once the chestnut horses neighed loudly and galloped out of the city with incredible speed. Increasing not only their speed but their stamina as well can make it a faster journey to freeing their comrades. After some time past Jervis turned to Rose and asked worriedly.

" Have you picked up the trail yet ? Can you hear anything ? "

Rose and closed her eyes and listened out to her enchantment . She could here something very faintly...

From the south ! Her eyes snapped open and she yelled back to Jervis

" Turn left up here ! - I think we are about to hit the borderline of the Shadow realm but something tells me that the Knights of the demon are about to start something wicked... "

The closer Rose got to the borderline of the Shadow realm the more dense the air got. It was like the atmosphere was full of deception and evil intentions. Rose could sense these horrible things from a mile away and it was making her sick. As Jervis and Rose closed in near the borderline entrance to the Shadow realm , The less nature was spotted. If there were any trees left in the dead soil of the ground the horses now galloped on it would be completely barren.

An hour had passed and the chestnut horses were starting to slow down , getting more tired out with each gallop they executed. Roses magic was starting to wear off and it was easy to tell that they have arrived at the borderline of the Shadow realm. There were no trees or bushes in sight , the ground covered in dust and dead soil. Even the sky looked much darker than what it normally should be at this time of day.

Abruptly both horses stopped in their tracks and started to back away. Roses horse violently shook its head clearly disturbed by this place. The horse that Jervis sat on raised its two front legs and threw Jervis off . He landed with a hard thud.

" Jervis! Are you alright ?"

Immediately Rose dismounted her horse before it had the chance to throw her off too. She raced to Jervis' side as she groaned in pain. Rose placed her hand on the back of his neck to give him support .

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