Unexpected Discovery

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Pip was sleeping in his room, in a dreamless sleep. A bright light suddenly awakes him. Pip rubs his eyes, face filled with confusion. He looks around and comes upon a white orb. He gets up and approaches with caution. He hesitatenly reached out, before being grabbed by an unknown force and pulled in, giving him no time to even let out a scream.


Pip slowely opens his eyes to... Starks Pond? What was he doing here? He gets up to discover he is floating. Wait floating? Pip looks down and notices how transparent he is. Is he a ghost? That wasn't his concern though, what concerned him was how he was going to get back, to Damien... He could see no sign of the previous white orb. So he decided to look around and maybe find a way back.
He went past the church, but he didn't feel pain. Damien had told him if in some rare instance there was a demon who would escape, any contact or presence of something holy would result in pain.
I guess he didn't count. Next he came across the school, Pip tensed when he saw it. He had come to realize now that they weren't his friends, they never were. Damien had actually threatened to burn them if he ever saw them again. The sun was rising at this point and not knowing what else to do stood there and later on watched the students arrive. There were definitely some new faces, but there was one he was happy to see. "Butters!" Pip was delighted to see his old chap. Butters stopped looked around confused then kept walking. Did he hear me?

He decided to follow Butters for the day just seeing what he was up to. It was recess now and butters was sitting by himself drawing in the snow to keep himself busy. Pip wondered if he could write in the snow so he tried. 'Hi' Butters was suprised, but decided to play along. "W- well heya! My name is Butters!" 'I know' Now that Butters was convinced he wasn't just seeing things he was intrigued, but a little scared as well. "Uh are you a ghost?" 'I think so' " You know me?" 'Yes' "Who are you then?"
'Pip' Butters gasped. "P-Pip?! Oh hamburgers!" Pip was happy he at least remembered him and gave a small chuckle. "Pip? Is that you?".
"Yes, hello ol' chap." Butters started to cry a bit. "Hey hey! Don't cry!" Pip laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. Butters shivered "I-I missed you." Pip smiled and gave him a phantom hug. " I missed you too Butters."


"PIP WHERE ARE YOU?!" Damien had become destructive and was looking for his precious mortal. "Damien sweetie please calm down." Satan said while dodging a chair. "WHERE IS HE?!" "I think he is on the surface dear." Damien stopped "What did you say?" "I said he's on- Wait Damien where are you going?!" Damien runs out of the house sprinting towards the portal. 
"Oh dear...".

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