Amnesia Runs

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Nic stopped at that. He doesn't know who he is. Before she could say anything one of the other nurses came toward bell with a syringe. She was about to say something when Bell flipped. He moved so far back that he slid off the bed. He hit the floor with a thud followed quickly by a yelp.

Nic moved around the large bed to get to the amnesia Bell. When she reached the side she had expected to see Bell on the floor holding his ribs. Which was what he had probably been doing, but not when she got there. When she got there all she was welcomed to was an amnesia doctor rushing past her in sweat pants and a t-shirt.

She was surprised at his speed as he whooshed past her, almost knocking her over in his escape. She turned quickly as he ran past her, watching as Bell ran out of the VIP room. Nic moved, quickly recomposing herself and chasing after the frantic Bell.

She rushed out of the room in time to see Bell run past the nurses desk and into an open elevator. She yelled as she began to run down the hallway, "Get Bell he has retrograde amnesia!" But it was too late as the doors to the elevator dinged closed. She reached the elevator door, stopping in front of the large metal doors. "Oh my god." She said allowed. "I just lost an amnesia Bell."

Bell clicked the first button he saw in the large elevator, that number happening to be 2 as he watched the elevator doors closed. Seeing the blond woman running towards him and yelling, "Get Bell he has retrograde amnesia." Then the doors closed, getting rid of the last sliver of the corridor and the woman that had been chasing him.

Bell leaned back against the wall as he felt the elevator begin to move. He distantly heard the noises of the moving elevator as breathed heavily. Wrapping his arm around his ribs as a stabbing sensation radiated through his back, and into his lungs. Bell stayed put as he breathed, the coolness of the elevator wall seeping in through his clothes. The ding of the elevator came again and the doors opened. He had to move he thought, she'll be on me pretty soon.

Bell pushed himself off the wall with one hand. The other one still wrapped around his ribs. He walked through the open door and into another much larger, and much busier corridor. There were what he saw as nurses behind a desk, answering phones and using computers. There were rooms all along the walls, filled with different people on beds and others in lab coats. Doctors.

One of the nurses seemed to notice him standing there and looked up at him. Her eyes went wide but she didn't move. He held eye contact with her until, I wonder he thought. He moved over to the desk and towards the nurse. She immediately straightened and said, "Doctor Bell, your up. How are you feeling?"

Bell let go of his side and smiled. Time to play myself out of this place. "Good good. But I'm looking for where my personal belongings may have been on me after the..thing. You know my clothes, my phone, my keys." She looked at him strangely but he continued to smile. She eyeballed him up and down until she shifted and said, "They should be in the ER's collection room or in your room." She smiled, he grinned back. "Of course, thank you."

He moved away from the desk and down the corridor. Hoping that he was walking in the right direction. He moved quickly, noticing a bathroom he walked in and closed the door. Looking under the stalls there appeared to be no one else in the room, knowing it was clear he locked the door. He moved to one of the sinks and leaned heavily on the counter. He breathed in slowly, why did breathing hurt so much he thought. He grabbed his ribs again and looked up. Seeing his reflection in the mirror. "Dame, I'm old... But I'm pretty good looking." He stroked his cheek. "What happened to me?"

There was a dark circle around his eye and purple blotches littering his skin. A particularly large one along his right cheek. He ran his hand across the bruise, prodding a little at the purple splotch as he did. He retracted it immediately as a spark of pain lit up in his cheek. "Agh."

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