Yo! Down Here!

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Alkider finally reached Lincoln, He smiled evilly as he dropped Alastor for Gretlock to look after. "Look after your new pet", Alkider said, looking down at Gretlock, then locking onto Lincoln. Alastor tried one last time to get out his glass tube, this time he succeeded. Alastor took his demon form, he grabbed Gretlock by the neck and popped his head off his shoulders like a party popper. Alastor grabbed Alkider and dragged him into the ground. "You ain't getting anywhere near sword!", Alastor shouted, driving Alkiders head further into the ground. Alkider tried lifting himself up, but Alastor just pushed him further into the ground. Alkider raised his left hand slightly. This caused the ground beneath them to crumble, and demon warriors erupted from the cracks. "Take him!", Alkider shouted, letting his little minions tackle Alastor. Alastor knew he was done for, he was slowly dying without Nate and he thought it was worth one last go at taking down Alkider before he died. "Nate will take you down", Alastor proclaimed, spitting at Alkider. "You could have been my protege", Alkider said, getting up. Alastor smiled, "You think I would continue your legacy on?". "The rest of you are retarded", Alkider said, "I guess you are no different". With a click of his fingers, Alastor started disappearing into ash. "Nate will kill you!", Alastor said with his dying breaths and with that, he was gone. With Alastor out the way, Alkider ripped up the Lincoln memorial and found his sword. The century sword.

Nate followed the trail of chaos until Courtney pointed at an electric blue light in the sky. "That must be it", Nate said, stepping on the pedal until he couldn't push it anymore. Time was running out, they could already see things getting destroyed by the blue light. Nate pulled the car up and ran out of the car, not waiting for Courtney. Courtenyran after Nate, soon catching up with him. Nate was hiding behind a car when it was pulled towards the blue light. Courtney saw Alkider with the century sword and pulled Nate away. "He's going to kill us!", Courtney whispered, "We have to find Alastor". "I think I can do this", Nate said confidently, "If things go wrong, get back in the car and drive far, far, away. Okay?". Courtney nodded, staying behind the car while Nate went to go after Alkider. Nate followed him for a minute and then gaining all the courage he had left shouted. "Yo! Down here!". Alkider looked down at Nate and laughed. "If you're looking for your superpower, he's gone", Alkider sneered. "What?", Nate said, losing all the confidence he had gained as quickly as it disappeared. "He's dead", Alkider said, "He has all his faith in you though. That you will defeat me". Nate wanted to run back home now, but he had dug himself way too deep now to get out. "I will make sure Alastors right then", Nate said, grabbing a led pipe. "I'm so scared", Alkider said, he looked out for his mindless soldiers and called for them. "Kill him", Alkider said, pointing at Nate. All the soldiers came running at Nate at once. Nate swung for their heads and was missing each time. Accepting his fate he was going to be killed and eaten by demons. But then the sound of screams started coming from the demons. Nate opened his eyes and saw Courtney with a pump-action shot-gun, shooting them all. Nate regained some confidence and started swinging again, hitting one or two of them. The two were just standing in a pile of dead demons. "Any luck on finding Alastor?", Courtney asked, putting more bullets into the gun. "He's dead", Nate said. Nate broke down and started crying, even though he thought of Alastor as a burden, there was a part of him that always felt empty when he disappeared for a few years. That emptiness had returned.

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