September 30th 2018

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Today my language arts teacher had two very deep writing prompts on the board. One what is the meaning of life and two why do things happen in life? Why is she asking us this does it matter? I don't think anyone is going to take it seriously. Kids laughed and said responses like getting laid or parties. What's the big deal about sex anyway? Teenagers have bigger problems to worry about.

Please tell I'm the only one on the entire planet who thinks this way. Maybe it's because I'm in a wheelchair and the idea of someone touching my body in that manner feels weird to me. I don't know maybe it's because I have bigger life goals in mind. I want to be an author. I want my voice to be heard I want to travel and see and do things nobody has done before. I have never been out of the country.I may need help with a lot of things but my CP does not limit me or my dreams.

Speaking of dreams I have lots of them everyday I swear the list just keeps growing. I lose track after a while. I hope that's not a bad thing. I know I have to be realistic about some of them. For example I know I probably won't end up married to a guy in a boyband. I wish but the odds are not likely.

Still I can dream nobody can take that away from me because it's mine. I wonder what the kids in my classes dream about? What keeps them motivated? I should ask get to know some of them. Would they think that the girl with dark brown hair that's straight as a board hazel eyes who's shorter than them was weird for asking? I shouldn't ask it might come off creepy. I don't want to be creepy.

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