Chapter One ~Deep Breaths~

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         I inhaled deeply as the cool breeze tousled my hair. My sides were suddenly stinging and I started regretting the decisions I made earlier. I heard footsteps approaching in the distance but brushed it off. It’s not like the person was going to care about me anyways. I walked for about 2 hours till I wondered back to the small park by my house. I bit my lip as tears prickled into my eyes. What happened to my life? My family was such a happy when we were in America. My mom always smiled, my dad stole kisses from her every once in a while, I never felt like this. But of course, when things are finally great, it all comes crashing down and where does it land? On my shoulders, of course. 

I wiped the fallen tear and realized how pathetic my life is right now. Almost as if I was better off dead. You know what? That sounds like a fan-fucking-tastic idea. Who needs me anymore? No one. Not one soul. I mean they would all be better off with out me right? I mean it’s not like they would notice, or care that I’m gone.

The more I thought about this idea the better it sounded. I gathered my thoughts and started to head home. Once I got into my room I closed the door and took out a sheet of paper. 

“Dear mom&Dad,

I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment to you. I never wanted to be like this. I never wanted to ruin anything. It seems as if the world doesn’t even want me anymore. No one cares, no one bothers. I’m sorry for ruining your lives. But I promise I wont be for much longer. Soon you won’t have to worry about me because I’m going to be in such a better place. I can finally be at piece. I wont have to deal with anything anymore. No more stress, no more bullying, no more life. I’ve been feeling like this for so long but both of you are to busy fighting to even notice. And thats what hurts the most. That I showed so many signs that I’m struggling with this life but all you do is ignore it. I’ve been secretly cutting every night for the past year and a half and you guys never found out. It kills me to write this letter. Knowing my life has gotten to this point. I promise you both will soon forget about me and live on with your lives. Just know I’m in a better place. I promise this won’t be the end of me. I’m sorry I let the bullies win, I’m sorry to let you down. Most of all, I’m sorry I’m such a horrible daughter. I love you guys so much. 

Love Always,


         The tears were streaming uncontrollably down my face. I folded the letter and hid it in my bed. I walked out of my house and starting running to the closest bridge. I kept running until I smack right into someone and collapse to the ground. I was now sobbing uncontrollably.

  “Hey. It’s alright.” The thick Irish accent said patting my back. I looked up and met his warm ocean blue eyes. Hell, I’d recognize these eyes anywhere. It’s Niall Horan from One Direction. 

  “Are you okay love?” He asked.

   “Yeah I’m fine.” I said biting my lip. Niall looked at me for a second. He didn’t believe it.

   “From the looks of it you don’t look so fine.” He said chucking.

   “Yeah, don’t judge a book by its cover.” I said harshly.

   “Hey I’m only trying to help.” He said sincerely.

    “I didn’t ask for it.” I said wiping my tears.

    “Come on just let me talk to you? I can help you.” His eyes swarmed with confusion and compassion.

   “I-I’m sorry.. I just gotta go.” I walked away and he grabbed my wrist. I flinched at his touch and turned around. 

You're A Little Late, And I'm Already Torn.. (Niall Horan Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now