Chapter 1: Trouble

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Just like any other day, I've been looking for my father and running into all kinds of trouble. "Why?" I mumbled to myself, why is it that everytime I look for my father, I get in some kind of trouble, or being hit? I don't get it! "You!" a female voice said from behind me, I turned around and saw that old lady who has been threatning to kill me, I sighed and crossed my arms, what is she gonna do now? "Your a disgrace to this world!" she screamed at me, I just rolled my eyes and tried my best to ignore her. I guess she noticed that I was ignoring her, becuase she slapped me, "Ow! What was that for?" I asked rubbing my cheek, for an old lady, she can hit! "Becuase you should've never been born!" she said and I just turned around and walked away, I don't need this right now. 

I sighed walking into an alley, as I was walking, I heard whispers, I wasn't sure if it was a dude or not, "Who's there? I know someones there" I said, then three guy's came out from the shadows and looked me up and down, what pervs. I sighed and looked at one with red hair, "What do you three want?" I asked annoyed. "We want you, that's all" he replyed, and that's when I tried to get away. 

They all jumped on me and I kept on fighting to get away from them, and I did, I got away from them and ran out of the alley. Once I was a little ways away, I stopped and started walking. I walked all the way to the center or London, I looked around and saw a lot of people, and as I was looking around, I was hit in the back of the head again, so I turned around with anger. 

"You again" I mumbled to myself when I noticed the same old lady from before, she had her purse up in her hand in the air and she just stood there, then she kept on hitting me. I shielded my face with my arms and tried to walk away from her, but when I walked away, she'd follow me. So instead of walking, I ran, I knew she can't run, so I was happy. I kept on running, then the running became jogging.

-A little while later-

I'm still walking around, looking for my father, but he's no where to be seen. It's starting to get dark out and a lot of people are heading inside their houses for sleep, I sighed, I should be getting some sleep too. So that's exactly what I did, I started walking home, and on my way there, some dude jumped in front of me. I looked at him and noticed he had red eyes, just like me, but before I could ask him anything, he was gone. I sighed once more and put my head down, facing the ground. "Where is he?" I asked myself, lifting my head up, then I started walking again, and before I knew it, I was home. So I went inside and locked the door, then walked to my bedroom and fell asleep.

-The next morning-

I woke up and got out of bed, I showered and got dressed in a dress, a red and white dress at that. Once I was done getting dressed and doing eveyrthing else, I stood in my house, "Time to find him again" I said hoping that today I'd find my father. 

I walked out of the house and walked to the street, and again, that old lady is coming at me, but this time, she has an umbrella with her. I sighed and walked away from her, but she caught up to me and hit me. "Ugh! Why do you keep hitting me!?!?!" I screamed at her annoyed, she just looked at me and then kept on hitting me, what the hell? "Because your a demon!" she said, what? I'm a demon? Don't you think I'd know if I was a demon!?!?!?! I sighed once more and ran away from her, this time, I got away and she didn't follow me, thank god!

Once I finally got away from her, I kept walking, and when I looked up, I noticed a manor just a few feet away from me. Who would have a manor here in the woods? I thought as I walked closer and closer to it, and once I was on the doorstep of the manor, I knocked. A moment later, the door opened and there stood a man and a younger boy, the man had yellow eyes and black hair and he was wearing a butlers uniform, and the younge boy had light blue eyes and blonde hair, what? Was this younger boy this mans master or something? I don't get it. "Oh my! Claude! She's beautiful!" the young boy said, I smiled and thanked him, "Come in, come in!" he said and I nodded, the man moved out of the way and I walked in. "What's your name?" the younge boy asked, "My name is Ashley" I said and he just smirked, "Well, I'm Alois Trancy, and this is my butler Claude" Alois said and I nodded. Claude bowed to me and I just looked at him, "Claude, prepare a room for lady Ashley, she will be staying with us as long as she likes" Alois ordered, and Claude bowed to Alois, "Yes your highness" Claude said as he stood up and walked up the stairs. "Are you hungry?" Alois asked, "Yes" I said and he came closer to me, he then looked at me in the eyes, "Hmmm, you have red eyes. Just like Sebastian" he said and I didn't know what else to do, so I just stood there. Who's Sebastian? I wondered, then Alois closed his eyes and chuckled, "Hannah! Prepare supper for Ashley and I" he said and the women bowed to him, just like Claud, what? Does this boy have more then one servant? "Yes younge master" she said and then stood up and left. "Is that your other servant?" I asked and Alois nodded.

A Demons Daughter (Sebastian Michaelis'S Daughter Story)*Finished*Where stories live. Discover now