Chapter 3: The Hunters Become The Hunted

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A-23's POV

I was sleeping in the cave next to my pack. I woke up in the middle of the night to my stomach growling. I crawled out of the cave and entered to forest, looking for something to eat.

I sniffed the air and caught a whiff of something. It smelled kinda strange. I followed it and eventually came across some footprints. I smelled it and finally recognized the scent. Hunters.

I clawed my way up a tree a began jumping from branch to branch. After following the scent trail for about 15 minutes I caught up with them.

???: We've been looking for about 2 hours now! How do you even know he's still in this area?!

???: Intuition.

???: We're gonna die!

The one at the front on the pack was a girl with long hair that was the color of the night sky and a bow on her back. She had a confident walk and a look of determination on her face. I felt the need to give her a name. Night Walker.

The hunter at the back has a boy with silver hair and a blade in each of his hands. He was looking around frantically with fear in his eyes. He held his blades tightly like he was ready for anything. He had a lack of courage, but that was made up for with a well built body. I decided to call him Silver Pup.

The hunter in the middle was the shortest of the 3 she had brown hair that was up in pigtails. She was looking around at the surrounding trees with a keen interest. Her eyes looked like they could cut through stone with a single gaze. I called her Short Claw.

I was about to leave until I saw the short girls weapon. A bowgun. My emotions ran wild and I became overwhelmed with rage at the sight of it.

Kyanna's POV

Me and my friends walked through the forest, looking for that strange boy. 2 hours and we had no luck. Erma was eating some jerky while Cody was holding his dual blades defensively.

Cody: he could be around any corner!

Kyanna: dude, calm down.


Kyanna: look, the sooner we find this guy, the sooner we can get back home.


Suddenly, the 3 of us heard something fall from a tree and land in some bushes nearby. We all slowly turned to look at whatever it was. We heard a low growl as the zinogre boy emerged from the bush and began crawling towards us. He bared his teeth, showing off his rather large canines. He had a glint of anger in his eye, but from what?

I noticed that his eyes were focused on something. I followed his gaze and saw that he was staring at Erma. She still that piece of jerky in her hand.

Kyanna: *whispers* Erma drop it.

She did what I said and dropped it. The boy looked at the piece of jerky on the ground then back to Erma. he continued crawling towards her.

Kyanna: *whisper* Erma, do you have any more?

She looked at me and shook her head. I didn't know what he wanted. He damn sure wasn't hungry, he just wanted Erma for some reason. She had to get out of there.

Kyanna: ERMA, RUN!

Erma turned and began running through the forest. The boy quickly chased after her. Me and Cody followed them.

The boy was quickly catch up with Erma and began trying to grab her by the back of her armor.

It wasn't long before Erma reached a patch of trees that was just too thick to go through. The boy stopped as well and started crawling over to Erma again.

Cody ran over to him and quickly yanked his tail. The boy's reflexes instantly kicked into gear as he turned and slashed at Cody with his claws, which were sharpened to a point. Thankfully he missed when Cody ducked under his arm.

The boy pulled back his arms and electricity surrounded it. He then punched Cody in the chest, sending him flying back into a tree. He struggled to get to his feet, but managed to do so. The boy's tail surged with electricity. He turned and spun on his hand. An orb of lightning came from his tail as he swung it. He flipped in the air and stuck the landing.

The orb he sent out was heading straight for Cody. It hit him and he was slammed against the tree again. I grabbed my bow and an arrow from back I fired it. It sailed towards him, but before it hit him he caught it in 1 hand and snapped it in half.

He turned to me and began charging at me. I kept firing arrow, but he dodged every last one of them. He pounced on me and pinned me to the ground. His left hand held my throat and his right arm  was raised in the air. His claws shinned in the moon light as he was about to bring them down on me.

Suddenly, there was a loud BOOM. His eyes widened and began to flutter closed as his body went limp and landed on top of me. I quickly pushed him off and looked up to see Erma holding her bowgun.


Erma: no, it's sleep ammo. He'll be out for a few hours.

Cody limped his way over to us and looked down at the sleeping boy.

Cody: so how do we get him back to town?

I reached behind me and pulled out a burlap sack. Cody just looked at me.

Cody: I'm guessing, I'm gonna be the one carrying him?

Kyanna: yep, and you have no choice.

Cody: I seriously hate you right now.

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