Chapter 20: The Winter Festival

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(Y/n)'s POV

It was finally time. The night of the winter festival. The decorations were ready, all the festivities were set up. It's was all ready. it was supposed to be a formal event so people were encouraged to dress nicely.

Kyanna took the liberty of buying me a fancy suit for the party. I was getting dressed in front of a mirror, struggling to put on my tie. Kyanna, Cody, Kestin, and Erma went to the party before us, saying they'd see us there.

(Y/n): damn tie!

Nara came up behind me.

Nara: here, I'll do it.

She took my tie and tied it around my neck perfectly

(Y/n): where'd you learn to do that?

Nara: when you do nothing but watch hunter's in the forest for 10 years you pick up a few tricks.

Nara was wearing a long black dress with grey lace at the bottom of it. Just then, Finn, Rex, and Aiko walked in. Finn was wearing a standard dark purple suit with a lime green tie. Aiko wore a pink dress with white accents, and Rex...

(Y/n): Rex, where are your sleeves?

Rex: I flexed and they fell off.

Finn: he ripped them off because he thought they were uncomfortable.



(Y/n): let's just go before these two destroy the whole house.

We left the house and made our way to the center of town. When we arrived we looked on in amazement at all the beautiful decorations that were either put up on walls or hanging from strings.

Rex: woah, they sure pulled out all the stops.

Kyanna: hey guys! You made it!

I turned to my left and saw Kyanna and the others. Cody and Kestin were dress in a basic black and white suit. Erma wore a black and red short dress. Kyanna...I don't even know where to start with her outfit.

She was wearing a beautiful blue dress that matched her eyes. Her hair was up in a ponytail with a flower hair clip holding it together. She looked amazing.

Kyanna walked up to me and smiled.

Kyanna: that suit looks nice on you.

(Y/n): o-oh yeah, you too.

Her smiled grew as a little pink dawned her cheeks.

Kyanna: well, what do you think of the party?

(Y/n): it looks amazing so far, you really put a lot of effort into this thing.

Kyanna: great.

(Y/n): now...I remember you saying something about food.

She laughed before pointing over to a table which was FILLED with food. I turned back to her.

(Y/n): thank you, Kyanna.

After saying that me and Rex immediately booked it over to the buffet table. Rex grabbed a bottle of moonshine and started chugging it. I grabbed steak and Immediately started ripping into it.

Kyanna: ha, I knew he'd go after the food first.

Nara: seriously, all he ever does is eat.

The festival went on with music, dancing, and Rex barely getting buzzed after drinking 3 bottles of moonshine. Da!n that guy can hold his liquor.

Anyway, the party was going great. Every was having fun just chatting and dancing. I had eaten SO MUCH FOOD! I mean, I thought my stomach was gonna explode.

I was sitting on a table looking up at the shining stars above me.

???: Why do you look up at the stars all the time?

I turned to my left and saw Kyanna sit down next to me.

(Y/n): well, when I was being held in that facility all those years ago I'd look out my window every night and dream about leaving that place and roaming the outside world. I guess I did it so much that kinda became a habit.

Kyanna: oh, it's just that I see you doing it so often that I got a little curious.

(Y/n): it's fine.

She looks up at the stars with me.

Kyanna: ya know, when I look up at the stars I wonder why they're all there.

(Y/n): what?

Kyanna: think about it, stars are just giant balls of gas burning billions of miles away. My dad once told me everything happens for a reason. If that's true then why do stars exist...why do I exist?

I was kinda surprised by that last part.

Kyanna: s-sorry...I didn't mean to get all existential.

(Y/n): it's fine, but you shouldn't think that way. Everyone has a purpose, it's just your job to find out what it is.

She smiled.

Suddenly, the entire mood of the party changed when the band began playing a slow song. Men and women covered the dance floor and started slow dancing. I saw that shade of pink return to Kyanna's face. She stuttered as she spoke.

Kyanna: d-do you...w-wanna dance?

I scratched the back of my head and looked down.

(Y/n): I...don't know how?

Kyanna: that's fine, I'll teach you.

She took my hand and led me over to the dancefloor.

Kyanna: now it's a simple waltz.

She placed my hand on her hip and put her hand on my shoulder. She showed me step by step how to do it and soon after we were dancing around the dancefloor. In the middle of it, Nara called out to me.

Nara: hey (y/n), your tails wagging!

I turned around and saw my tail wagging back and forth. I grabbed it and stuffed it into the back of my pants. Kyanna just laughed and I looked into her deep blue eyes. They twinkled in the moonlight. Her smile looked like it could light up the darkest of caves.

She placed her hand on my cheek and slowly closed her eyes. I closed mine and our faces began moving closer. Our lips were about to connect when...BOOM!

The whole party was interrupted when we all heard an explosion come from the western gate. Everyone around started panicking and wondering what was going on. Smoke began to rise from where we heard the explosion.

(Y/n): Kyanna, evacuate everyone in town! We'll go see what's going on!

She nodded. Me an the other hybrids made our way toward the edge of town only to see a massive portion of the complete destroyed.

Rex: who the hell did this?

I saw scorch marks on the stone brick.

Aiko: did someone use explosives or something?

(Y/n): no, it would take a lot of explosives to do something like this. It was some kind of monster.

???: Right you are, A-23.

A female voice came from behind us. We turned around and saw 3 hooded figures standing on a nearby roof.

???: This damage was done by a monster, but tell me. What makes a monster...a monster? Is it overwhelming power that makes it able to destroy cities, or is it having  certain physical features that make it look like a monster?

I walked forward and spoke.

(Y/n): who are you?

???: Ha, of course you'd ask that. The 3 of us are warriors trained by mistress Pandora herself.

Pandora, that name sounded kinda familiar. The figure in the middle raised her hand up into the air.

???: We're the most elite warriors of the claws of dala and we're the ones who are going to show you what a monster truly is.

The Hybrid (Monster Hunter x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now