Chapter 11: Just Like Me

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(Y/n)'s POV

???: It looked almost...human.

That single statement sent chills down my spine. "It looked almost human". That could only mean 1 thing. this thing was a hybrid, just like me.

I looked at the feather in my hand.

(Y/n): where?

???: Huh?

(Y/n): where did you see it?

???: I-I...

I grabbed her by the collar and asked again, only louder.


???: T-the norther end of the forest!

I let her go and began to make my way out of town. Kyanna, Cody, Erma, and Kestin chased after me.

Kyanna: (Y/N), WAIT UP!

I turned to them.

Kyanna: where are you going?

(Y/n): I'm going to go find that creature.

Erma: why?

I sighed.

(Y/n): that creature out there in the forest...I think it's like me.

Cody: you mean it might be a hybrid?

(Y/n): yeah.

Kyanna: have you ever even seen another hybrid before?

(Y/n): yeah, but that was years ago when I was still being held in that facility. I haven't seen any of them since then.

Kyanna: well you both DID come from the same place, maybe you can reason with them, and if things go south, we'll be there to back you up.

I sighed again.

(Y/n): look, it's not that I don't want you to come with me. It's just that...hybrids tend to act like the monsters they got their powers from. If they're half nargacuga then they'll be going for a sneak attack.

Kyanna: well, we'll have to keep our guard up.

I face palmed.

(Y/n): you're not gonna stop until I let you guys come with me, are you?

Kyanna: what do you think?

(Y/n): *sigh* fine.

We began walking out of town when Kestin shouted after us.

Kestin: HEY, WAIT UP!

He caught up with us and I noticed Cody scowl.

Cody: what the hell do you want?

Kestin: I'm coming with you guys.


(Y/n): chill out, Cody. He's cool now, he can come with us.

Kestin stuck his tongue out in Cody's direction.

Kyanna: ok, let's get going.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) eating might berries off a bush

We had made it to the northern end of the forest. We were walking along the edge of a steep hill. After wandering around far an hour I couldn't catch a whiff of anything. I still had that feather in my hand and I couldn't find any scent that matched it.

(Y/n): you guys see anything yet?

Erma: no, not yet.

(Y/n): well, keep your eyes open. We don't want them getting the drop on us.

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