Chapter 4. Later in the Afternoon: And You Say It's Just Business

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Sophie: So let me get this straight.
Not only did you get a job offer at a resturaunt, but the boss is smoking hottt! And you told him that you'll think about it??!

Jeana: I just wanted to make sure that you-

Sophie: Were ok with it????
Jeana, hunny. I'm not your mom.
YOU, don't need MY approval...

Jeana: Ok I'll tell him I'm taking the job...

Sophie: Call him right now.

Jeana: ------

Sophie: You didn't take his number????

Jeana: Well he didn't give me his card...

Ryan: Hey babe, I can't find my zipper.

Jeana: Um... Who under God's roof is HE???

Ryan: Sorry babe...

Sophie: Who's he?
Thats one of my client... He has prostate cancer. I was just checking it out.

Sophie: I think it's on the floor next to the 'front window'.

Ryan: Gotcha.

Jeana: Hold it Mr.

Ryan: O-k...

Jeana: He's your what now?

Sophie: My-

Jeana: If you say client one more time, I'm sleeping on the street tonight.

Sophie: Mmmm...

Jeana: If he's your client, what is he doing here, on your personal ground, calling you babe?

Sophie: Huh?

Jeana: BABE!

Sophie: No he didn't.

Jeana: Yes, he, did. And you are totally lying to me right now.

Sophie: Sorry...

Jeana: You know what, it doesn't make a difference. Since I've seen his face around here before. What you said your name is again?

Ryan: Ahh, Ryan...

Jeana: So how long have you been seeing Ryan?

Sophie: Tw-

Jeana: Don't lie to me.

Sophie: Two months, and that's the truth.

Jeana: You've been sneaking around with Ryan, for two whole months?? Where was I in all that?

Sophie: The market, taking a walk, singing in the shower...

Jeana: So you waited until one of those to sneak around with, with, Bryan.

Ryan: I-it's Ryan.

Jeana: You stay out of this. This is between two besties.

Sophie: It's just that I know how much you hate men. And that you don't trust them. So I hid, Ryan, from you, because I was afraid of how you would react. Like now...

Jeana: Ok one, I do not hate men.
Two, I don't trust some men. So I stay away until I find one I can trust. And Three, you really think I'm mad at you for having a boy friend?

Sophie: You're not??

Jeana: Of course not. You think I want you to be as lame as me? If a guy likes you and you like him back. I'm in no position to tell you no.

Jeana: Just do right by her, or I hunt you down. MYSELF!

Ryan: Hey I'm the koolest dude around town.

Jeana: Put a shove in it!

Ryan: Sorry.

Sophie: Ooook. In that case. Check my top draw and you'll see your missing pants from last week.

Ryan: Hey thanks babe.

Sophie: Love you.

Ryan: I double that. Nice to finally meet you Jeana.

Sophie: Not the way I expected...

Jeana: It's fine.

Sophie: You sure?

Jeana: What? I'm happy for you.
Just promise you won't lie to me again...

Sophie: I promise. Hugs?

Jeana: Hugs.

Sophie: Ok now you need to go back to his resturaunt and invite him over for dinner.

Jeana: Don't you think I deserve the day off for lying to me.

Sophie: But you said that you forgive me...

Jeana: I do I do just not today.

Sophie" As in you don't forgive me today, or not going to the resturaunt today?

Jeana: The resturaunt.

Sophie: Ok...

Jeana: Yeah I'm gonna make lunch now. Does Spicy Grilled Cheese Sandwich, sound good?

Sophie: Yeah, maybe you could go check him later after dinner.

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