1. Tauige

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Sighing the last thing I wanted to do was be at this horrible school but my sister wanted me to finish already taking my test before quitting. I hate that she was older and had her best friend to have her back, but at the end of the day I had no other family then them. Finishing my test I slapped to on the teachers desk and left happy it was the last day, walking out the building I smiled seeing these two bitches waiting on me with a smile on there face. Pulling open the stolen car they got a week ago I slide in as Sierra drove off.

Taija: how was school pumpkin?

   Rolling my eyes at the nickname I lean my head on the window, she always tired to get me to talk but I always said a couple of sentences.

Tauige: it was alright boring, bullying, and smelly people

   They both laughed as we made it to the house, stepping out I waited for one of them to open the door before I went and crashed on the couch not caring sleep was calling my name.

Sierra: I swear your brother stays tired, but anyways Tau keep the door lock. We running out for a couple of stuff will be back in a bit

    I didn't respond but they meant were gone go steal some stuff so we can quickly leave this shit whole town, hearing the door locked I got up hopping in the shower knowing they were gone be gone awhile. Washing and braiding my hair up I moved finding a suitcase and tossed important things in there before going to lay back down on the couch. 4 hours went by before they came back in with different bags and 5 suitcases. But it didn't go notice that they brought Popeyes home to eat, handing me a box I sat up eating as my sister plug up the tv for us to watch. As we watched tv Sierra and Taija both pack the suitcase with things I didn't ask because I didn't want to know. Soon it became dark and I pulled out the air bed blowing it up everyone got there cover moving to cuddle on the bed before sleep was taken over by all of us. Waking up the next morning was hell no one wanted to get up but we knew that we needed to. Brushing my teeth in the mirror I felt like a zombie back from the fucking dead, sitting on the side of the tube I slip my feet in my shoes and moved out seeing my sister taking the suitcases to the truck they stole. Sierra came handed me a plate of eggs and bacon with cup of milk. Killing our food we tossed everything down as I stepped out side Taija tossed her cigarette into the house causing it to go up in flames. Getting in the truck we drove off to some unknown place.

Taija: look I know your tired of moving around so we stole some money and brought a cabin and large property

I nodded not really caring I just want to stay in one place without having to move so much, I have one expression because I have love of a parent growing up just these two horrible fools I call family. Humming songs on the radio we soon pulled onto a dirt road following it for about 7 miles before we pulled into a big cabin

 Humming songs on the radio we soon pulled onto a dirt road following it for about 7 miles before we pulled into a big cabin

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It was big and beautiful I could tell I was gone like it here very well. Taija pull up in front of the house even though the sun was going down and cast over the cabin it looked truly beautiful. Standing outside the truck looking around

Sierra: this house is our, paid and full bitches now let's get our shit and go inside

Moving towards the the trunk we pulled everything out and moved towards the house when something sucked us thru the ground. We're falling in what it seems like forever before we landed with a thud, my head was ringing and I'm pretty sure bleeding since I banged it hard. Turning my head to the side I saw many other people in the cage like thing with us. Sierra was soon by my side along with my sister stopping the bleeding and sitting me up against them. Outside the cage it looked like Vikings and then my breathe caught in my throat remembering reading something like this in a old history book in the library. I found the book on accident and never told anyone seeing as it didn't have a library stamp I took it home.

Taija: Tau please tell me you know what's going on

   I nodded and looked panic at them.

Sierra: something tell me we're not gone like it

   They stood up pulling me with them towards the back away from everyone to hear.

Tauige: I have a book in my backpack that clearly isn't here, but I could tell it didn't belong from our timeline. It says every 10 years a timeline portal opens allows the Secret ones to take potential lover without a trace. Many our taken off the streets and out of there homes without a trace and I'm guessing that's what happened to us, let's hope whoever choose us as lover our nice because these our Vikings

   I looked around to see many people looking at us, thru the bar sitting next to us were to guys. I could tell they're listening to my story which I didn't mind.

Sierra: bitch this isn't good

Taija: I'll say I don't want to be anybody's lover

   I rolled my eyes at these two I always wanted a lover since I read the book, just not this way.

Tauige: isn't all bad from what I read they take you back to there tribe and wu you. Human have there on quarters in there village

  They still weren't convinced but that didn't mean I couldn't convince them otherwise I didn't want to lose either one of them because they stubborn as fuck.

Tauige: it's either lover, slave, or be killed....and if your a slave you rather die

   After a while they finally understood what I meant.

Sierra: so what do we do??

Taija: what we always do survive for the next 10 damn years

    I nodded looking around taking in my surroundings, there were people from 15 and up. But I did note it was mostly white people here which go figures only ethic here was us and the 2 guys next to us. Maybe Hispanic and Italian which means they probably know Spanish and would be great allies for us. Soon food was tossed in the cage Sierra went and grabbed hands full before bringing it back over, grabbing something I ate some and notice the guys weren't eating. Grabbing something I tossed it over towards them and went back to eating. Soon the sun began to set and people around the cages began to fall asleep. I stayed in watch for Sierra and Taija as they slept, the guys were still woke to talking. Soon music started to play in the distance I stood up and moved to look at the smoke descend into the air.

Guy: do you know what's going on?

Tauige: they're celebrating tomorrow we will fight for our place to stay alive, might want to get some sleep you'll need it....I'm Tau by the way

    He smiles and looks at me.

Guy: Leo beautiful

   And like that he went back and cuddle into the other man, that smiled and kissed his head. I soon realize that they're that famous couple Maxwell and Leo they we're childhood friends who fell in love and built there empire business from the ground up. Just like every other couple they had problems but Maxwell would do anything for his husband even kill. Taking a deep breathe I turn back towards the fire only to see a blue eyed man standing in front of me, backing up he grabbed my arm and pulled me close towards him. I frozen scared he would hurt me but all he did was stare and rub his hands across my skin like he was analyzing me. Sniffing my hair I frowned did I stink somehow, I know I took a shower before we left earlier. Letting me go he disappeared back into the shadow as a bunch of commotion went on. I could see the tribes take defensive stances at people approaching them but I couldn't hear.

Taija: Tau vuelve por aquí( come back over here)

    Snapping my head towards her I looked once more towards the fire, and moved back towards my sister. Pulling me into her side I soon close my eyes and enjoy the peace in dreamland.

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