Chapter 13: No!

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Jungkook POV
I went upstairs to check on Y/n. She seemed really sad at the wedding so I wanted to make sure she was okay. I heard the shower running so I knocked on the door.
"Hey babe are you okay in there?"
No answer.
No answer.
I knew something was wrong because there was smoke coming from under the door. I tried to get in but the door was locked so I kicked it in. And what I saw terrified me. She was bright red and just sitting there. Her eyes were closed but she was so red.
I turned off the water and tried my best to touch her gently but I needed to get her up. She wasn't moving at all. I took her out of the shower and put her in the bathtub. I filled it up with freezing cold water to try to help her get up. She started moving but I could tell she was in pain.
"No baby, don't move."
She opened her eyes. She looked at me and didn't make a sound. Tears just started to roll down her face. She tried moving but she just kept crying harder.
I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook. We were in the bathroom. I was in a tub. And my skin was burning. It hurt so bad. I tried to move but it was like a million needles were poking at my skin. I couldn't help but cry but I couldn't talk because I didn't want to take the chance of making the pain worse. My blood felt like it was boiling. Everything was hurting and I couldn't stop it. I just wanted all the pain to stop.
Jungkook POV
It hurt me so much to see her in pain. She was crying so hard and I didn't know what to do.
"Don't worry baby. I'm going to call the paramedics."
Time Skip
The paramedics got here and went upstairs. They asked Jungkook about what happened and he explained how he had found her in the bath room. They told him that she had some minor burns and that the water could never be hot enough to give her severe burns. They told Jungkook to help her for the next couple of days and that she should be fine if she uses the medication they gave him. After they left Jungkook went upstairs to go help her.
"Here baby I'm gonna get you out of this tub as gently as I can."
He picked her up gently and placed her on the bed with a towel. He went to the closet and grabbed her clothes. Jungkook helped her get dressed and he put the medication on for her.
"Babe can I ask you something?" He asked.
"Why did you turn up the water so high?"
She was trying to speak but she couldn't answer because her skin still burned. She slightly pointed to her phone and Jungkook handed it to her. She typed and then handed the phone to Jungkook.
The text said:
"I've lost a lot of people in my life. The fear of losing Hanna just scared me. I wanted to calm myself with a hot shower but I just started crying. I wanted to feel something but my tears were getting washed away by the water. After that everything just went black. "
Jungkook had no words. He just stared at the phone in shock. He had no idea that Y/n felt that way. He especially felt bad for not realizing that she felt this way.
"Baby I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you. I should've been by your side when you needed me. I'm such a bad fiancé."
She took the phone and started typing.
Her text:
"You are the best fiancé any girl could ever ask for. It's not your fault. You dint know because I never told you. I should've talked to you. I love you baby."
She handed him the phone. He read the text and smiled. He gave her a small hug. And he tucked her in. He got on the bed and got under the cover. He pulled Y/n slightly close to him and they cuddled until they fell asleep in each others embrace.

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