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Mira's POV:

I arose from my resting spot, reaching my arms upwards to feel the sweet release of my back clicking. The sun gently caressed my face as I stood up and the warm weather wrapped around my body like a blanket on cold winter nights. I reached down to pick up my bag. I must have fallen asleep again.

You see, here in this world vampires and werewolves are free to roam along side humans, Its a dangerous world and you can't always guarantee safety. I slide my backpack over my shoulder and make my way out of the forest.

The autumn leaves and occasional sticks crunching underneath my black leather boots. My Dad always tells me to be careful about vampires and werewolves. He says that they'll strike at any moment. Feasting off their pray like a tiger ripping into the flesh of a wounded dear.

He makes me laugh sometimes. The trees don't have many leaves on them anymore, so the vampires are not safe here. Yet I'm not safe here. There is still the possibility that a werewolf could pounce on me at any given moment. I have to be cautious. There is no room for error anymore, the world has almost been reborn and the rules rewritten.

I make my way up the stairs, the wooden oak sighing below me as I make my way up. I hesitate before turning the door handle, the cold of the metal wraps around my hand nipping away at my delicate skin. The interior of the house is small, but its cozy. The smell of fresh pie and the sight of guns on walls is what I've always known. What I call home.

The oak wood creaked bellow me as I made my way into the kitchen. Aimlessly throwing my back to the side, I go to the cupboards to look for some food. It was around 11 pm by the time I arrived home. I opened the box and poured myself a bowl of cereal.

Cereal is my favourite food, without milk of course. I've always been 'different' since I was little. The children would always be scared of the forrest because they believe that the 'monsters' live in there. I'm not scared though. I never have been.

I grab my bowl of cereal taking it upstairs too my room. My dad has pictures of our family on the walls, I'm not sure why. It's like hes trying to convince himself that I will accept his ways and be a 'normal' family. But normal's boring. Who would want to be like everyone else? In my opinion I'd rather live life on the edge and die trying to achieve my dreams rather than taking the safe road and live not knowing.

People are confusing. I'd much rather be a 'feared monster' than a 'normal human'.

I open my laptop and go onto the internet. Eating my cereal slowly, I browse through the many pages and articles written about vampires and werewolves. They're so entrancing who wouldn't want to know?

I kept searching when, ah-ha! Found it. Just what I'm looking for.

Werewolf, in European folklore, a man who turns into a wolf at night and devours animals, people, or corpses but returns to human form by day. Some werewolves change shape at will; others, in whom the condition is hereditary or acquired by having been bitten by a werewolf, change shape involuntarily, under the influence of a full moon. If he is wounded in wolf form, the wounds will show in his human form and may lead to his detection. Belief in werewolves is found throughout the world.

Hmm interesting..

I wanted to keep scrolling when I heard loud footsteps in the hallway. I scurry to close my laptop and place my bowl on the side, If my dad catches me I'll definitely end up with my head mounted on his wall.

The door squeaked as it opened, the sound of heavy boots hitting the floor surrounded me as I clutched onto my blanket.

I sensed something lean over my body. I tensed up under the covers but tried to keep my face as relaxed as possible, that was until I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"-O sir, your favourite"

That's when my world fell apart...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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