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Harry's p.o.v

We sat down calmly in the chairs of the airport waiting for our plane to board.

Flight 372 please may you grab you passport and luggage as we are now boarding the plain

Me and Simon stood up in unison and smiled at each other. Oh the way he smiles.

I walked up and the analysed my pass port than let me through. I stood there waiting for Simon like an eager child in a candy shop.

Simon surpassed and hugged me

"You ready?" He whispered in my ear

"As ready as I'll ever be" I whispered back

I galloped and skipped down the long tube attached to the airplane. I was so excited. My first ever holiday with just Simon. How could I ever repay him for this.

I felt a huge grin crawl across my face.

Simon's p.o.v

I should probably tell him. I was too scared to tell him. It's me. Look at him. He's angel. He's like a thing a person would wish for. His eyes glisten, his mouth. His everything

Surely I don't like Harry. I can't like Harry. Not after what Josh told me

I approached the plane and walked onto it standing behind Harry. He wore an oversized hoodie and shorts

 He wore an oversized hoodie and shorts

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e looked so gorgeous. Man the way I crazed him.

I walked down the isle to my chair and placed my self calmly.

Harry came and sat next to me, an eager grin across his face.

I looked at him and fell into a deep gaze. He listened to his music and bopped his head. I felt my heart race increase. My face began to sweat and the blood rushed around my body.

Harry made me feel a way no one else could. But what Josh said kept me at bay.

Harry's p.o.v

Nobody compares to you - one direction

The song beamed through my ear phones lively. It made me think of Simon.

I quickly glanced over

Cause no one ever looked so good in a dress and it hurts cause I know you won't be mine tonight. No one ever makes me feel like you do when you smile. Baby tell me how to make you mine.

I glanced away when Simon caught my contact. I felt my cheeks flush a red, I loved him. I should tell him. I want to tell him. How do I tell him. I might tell him when we land. I'm gonna tell him when we land.

2 hours and 21 minutes later

The plain landed slowly and carefully.

Thank you for flying with us today. Please collect your luggage after leaving the airplane.

Me and Simon got up and left. We walked through all the security. Everything that we needed to do.

We dragged out luggage to the couch. We still had 10 minutes before the couch was leaving. I had an enough time to pull him away.

"S-simon?" I said trying to ignore the shake in my voice

"Yeah?" He said looking at me

"Ikindaloveyoubutitisntathingicontrolijustdoloveyoudonthateme" I blurted out super quickly

"You what?" He asked confused

"I love you Simon. I love the way you style your hair, the way you smile, the way you hold me, the way your eyes sparkle. They way you talk and laugh. The way you have no care in the world. I love you and I don't think I will ever stop loving you" I said feeling aloy of weight of my chest

Simon was speechless for a while. Then he hugged me

"I love you too. But josh also loves me. And I need to decide"

When Simon said that I don't know what I felt. I wasn't angry because who could blame Josh, sure who could blame anyone who laid eyes upon Simon. Yet I wasn't happy or pleased. I wasn't upset.... I was jealous

"I-i  I shouldn't have said anything, I hate making you chose between people. You deserve everything you want, pick Josh. You'd be better in the long run" I said kind of sorrowful

"Don't say that. I love you. I think I need time to think about it. It's always been you Harry. Not a single day in my life have I not craved or wanted you. But I gotta find a way to let Josh off slowly"

Timelapse to when they arrive at the hotel

"Hello how are you today?" The Spanish man asked me and Simon.

"We are good. We are booked for room 52." Simon said

The young man passed us the key and we walked away after thanking him. I bet the room is gorgeous

I walked into the room. It smelt amazing. The bed was massive. It looked gorgeous. But nothing vet the view. Bright sun, not a cloud in the sky, it was bloody gorgeous.

I threw myself on the bed after traveling.

"Wowwwww this is comfyyyy" I expressed

Simon ran and jumped over me. I let off a wide smile and a laugh.

"WOAH IT IS" Simon said back

We both laughed

"Thanks for this Simon, it means so much too me that you take me out, I couldn't ask for a better friend. I'd love you the same if you had no money you know." I smiled at him

"I love you too harry" Simon smiled "I came to a conclusion on the 1 hour couch"

"Go on" I said nervously

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

I felt my heart drop

"Of course" I smiled boldly

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