Author's note

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Hey everybody it's me Valens17 uh I just wanna  let you guys know that I really need your help with this story uh I need names for little sisters I have what kind of fears that they have I also want to put up some pictures of the sisters so you'll know what they look like but I don't know how to put up pictures from the internet so I would really appreciate it if you guys help me with this story let me know in the comment section below I really need you guys to comment on these stories that I'm writing and I need you guys also to be honest with me about the stories I won't be mad or anything I just want to hear your guy's' thoughts but I can't if you don't comment so would you guys please do that for me I really appreciate it thanks guys and that's all I have to say about that thank you bye now "oh PS. I'm want the same thing to go the ghost of Lincoln County New Mexico story as well I want what kind of ghost should it be here are some options a child,a man or a woman let me know in the comment section below please thank you bye now"

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