Chapter 2

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Hey guys Courts here !

I know what your thinking i didn't post anything last week that was grounded and sick :(

So i wasn't allowed mt laptop but I'm ungrounded and allowed back on the laptop and I'm off school because I'm sick :)




There's one thing about Stephanie you need to know you always hear her before you see her.

"Mitch where are you now?" I hear her yell. But I didnt answer her because she always find me before i could call her.She came running towords me what looked liked 40 mph (Miles Per hour) and just throws herself on top of me! But i get used to it we have been friends from like kinder-garden!

"Mitch I missed you all weekend while you were away to your cabin with Laurn and Crissie."

"I missed you too i wish my over protected parents would let me stay home by myself but shed be too afraid of something happening to me of gods sakes i wont be able to to anyting by my self ! Im moving out in a couple of years I wonder how she'll take that!" I tried to state but i kind of failed!

"Are you OK Mitch your face looks like a ghost!?"

But I couldn'tt answer her before i was sick!I was boking like mad she seen that but next minute i was sick the bus drive had to stop and me and Stephanie had to get off because i was sick over her too!

STEPHANIE are you OK I'm really sorry about that I think I caught a bug while i was away!

But before I could say anything she was sick as well all over me so we walked back to her house and her mum phoned up the school and told what happened and i phoned my mum and dad my dad yelled at me and told me what a disappointment i was to the family.While my mum told me every thing was going to OK and she will pick me up when she was back from the airport which would be another hour or so but I knew i Had smitted Stephanie with whatever I had I felt so bad but the good thing was her mum treated me as her son so she gave me a basin and a pillow and a blanket and allowed me to lay on her couch until my mum came Me and Stephanie did not stop trowing up for at least a hour.After 4 hours she finally came to pick me up i was so happy to get home and change into my pajamas!

It was usually an 20 minute ride but for how many times i thew up it was like an hour drive away but it flew by knowing it was Friday and my dad was flying to America leaving me and mum alone but this time instead of a week its a year I'm so happy but my sisters are devastate because there will be no more lifts to school for them I'm mums little boy she says but I try to tell her that I wasn't little any more I was going to move out soon but she try's not to think about it.

She said she felt a bit better and we sat on the phone together for about an hour until the two girls came home and when they did it was about four o'clock but I was already up and ready to go stephs house but girls walked trough my door screaming"CAN WE GO AND SEE STEPH?!"So later that night I felt a hell of allot better after i fell asleep and rested so was Steph.I asked mum for the car and i drove over to Stephanie with Crissie and Lauren to see how she was.Lauren brung her Famous soup and I brung my favorite T-shirt for her to wear as she asked while i was with her earlier and crissie brung cozy socks for her to keep her warm.

"Alright, but let me go and get the car keys from mum!" I sickly said they both knew I was sick and that I made Stephanie sick but they thought that was OK and it wasn't my fault it rare that that happens.They usually want to kill me if I made Stephanie sick.

We arrived at Stephanie's house and her mum brung us in and only offered me a drink Stephanie mum doesn't like the 2 girls because there always trying to get Stephanie in trouble but with me and Jerome as head boys we always caught them Jerome is my best friends hes always been there for me hes the same age as me and every class i have hes in it and sits beside me but usually by the end of class we end up separated for mucking around too much he also love my sister Crissie but I told him that he an have her once I get Stephanie so we can have girlfriend together

"Hi Mrs Vauls!" We all say together

"Hi Mitch Hi girls!" She said politely

She Called me up first for some reason usually she would let us all go up at once but not this time I told the girls to go back home because i didn't want them missing schoolfor being sick so they went back I gave them the bus fares to get back home.

I was extremly worried about Stephanie I brung all the gift up to her she texted the girls thank you for the presents but I could tell that she was getting better but i went to get a spoon for her and when I came back she was passed out I quickly checked for her pluse it was still ther but i knew she wasn't sleeping so I quickly phoned an Ambulence for her while her mum was crying by her side.

She was rushed to hospital the doctor said she would be fine just give her plenty of res and wormth I told her mum to go back home and I would take care of her in hospital i was allot better doing alnighters than she was even though it was only 6 pm she woke up at 9:30 pm on the same night and I told her How she passed out and why I told her mum to go back hone because I didn't know how long you were going to be in for.

After a while we were discharged from the hospital we sat go about four hours talking in the hospital and we waited for the test results to see if she was allowed to be discharged.

"Hey Steph pretty much I owe you an apology for sending you to hospital because I was sick over we headed home to find that Stephanie's door was lock her mum wouldn't pick up her phone so Steph stayed over at my house


We were in the taxi on the way home from the hospital and my mum must have thought I was staying overnight but I wasn't and she had fallen asleep so Mitch offered me to stay at his house obviously I did I secretly have a crush on him but I don't think that he like me back and if I ask him out and he says no I'll look so stupid and weird.

"I'll show you where my room is and I'll sleep on the couch tonight I have a spare pillow and blanket in the cupboard I'll use."Mitch said

"No please don't." I pleaded."Stay here with me please."

"Ok if I must" He chuckled joking around with me.He crawled into bed beside me holding me tight he whispered something into my ear but I couldn't quite make it out.But in no time I heard a light snore so I wiggled out of his tight grasp and slept on the floor knowing his dad could find out and begin to call him a man whore!

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