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          "PETER! NED! HURRY UP!" Called Liz as she knocked on their hotel door. "We're going to be late!"

          "Okay, hold on! Hold on!" Ned shouted back before scrambling out of the room, his hair a mess.

          [Y/N] looks at Ned confusedly as he shuts the door behind him, "uhm, where's Peter?"

          Neds eats turn a bright shade of red as he fumbles over his words. Trying to explain (poorly) the reason why Peter was missing. "He... Uhm went to study and err... Didn't come back?" Ned explained, though his tone was questionable.

          Liz sighed as she shuffled through her notes anxiously. "We can't wait around for him any longer." She announced, "Flash, looks like you're in for Peter again."

          Flash high-fives Harry triumphantly as Mr. Harrington gives him the spare jacket. "Come on guys, we better get downstairs."

          The students chatter amongst themselves excitedly. Some of them quizzing each other on the way. [Y/N] brushes Harry off as he tries to talk to her, instead marching over to Ned, who was talking to Betty Brant.

          "Ned. We need to talk." She said in a tone that he knew he couldn't deny. The colour from his face drained as he let people pass them. "You're going to tell me where Peter is — no bullshitting me 'cause I can easily tell when you're lying."

          "He went to study and didn't come back." Ned says slowly, his lips set in a straight line as he avoided her eyes.

          "Liar!" [Y/N] shook her head, "where. Is. Peter?"

          "I. Don't. Know!" Ned replied, flaring his nostrils. He hated yelling at people but [Y/N] was being annoying. Couldn't she tell that this wasn't any of her business? She'd made her bed — with Harry — so, she could go lay in it. Ned and Peter had been through more together than Ned and [Y/N]. Therefore Ned's loyalty lied with Peter over her.

          "Ugh, look, I don't want to argue with you but you're lying. You know where Peter is and what he's doing but you just don't want to tell me. Why?"

          "Like I just said, I do not know where Peter is nor do I know what he's doing." Ned sighed, looking back over at a confused Betty. "Now if you'll excuse me..."

          [Y/N] stood in place, baffled, as Ned walked back over to Betty. "Are you okay? What was that all about?" Harry asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

          Shrugging him off, [Y/N] shook her head. "Nothing. I'm fine. Let's go win this thing."


          "We have entered sudden death," the moderator announced, peering at the teams mischievously. "The next correct answer wins the championship."

          Maybe it was stress or maybe it was fear but whatever it was, it made [Y/N]'s mind go completely blank. She hadn't even heard the question properly when Michelle chimed the bell.

          She stared down the table, Flash had sweat beading down his forehead as Michelle cleated her throat. "Zero?" She asked, her face lacking emotion once again.

          The moderator hesitated, her eyes flickering from team to team. Her lips curled upwards, "That is correct. Midtown takes the championship!"

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