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"Honey, are you sure about this? Why can't I join your trip?"

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"Honey, are you sure about this? Why can't I join your trip?"

"Mom, I'm not a kid anymore. I can do this. Please? Just this once... and I'll promise to go back home after a week." Timmy pleads.

"I know you're not a kid anymore, but I'm worried because you're..."

"Mom... Trust me. I'll be okay. It's just a week. Nothing bad will happen, okay?"

"But still... It's your first time travelling to other country. It's okay if you're going to other city and I'm just worried about what would happen after. Have you picked a country? Booked a hotel? Where will you eat? Do you have your meds with you? What if they don't read your cards? Should I give you more cash? What if there's no reception there? Or even wifi?"

"Mom, don't stress it out, okay? Once I get there, I'll send a picture. It will no longer be a surprise if you know where I'll be going and I am afraid that you will follow me there,"

Timmy walked to his mom and hold her hand.

"Mom, I'll be okay."

"I completely trust you for that. Call me if anything happens, okay?"

"If I ever met someone and I fall for her, and took her home, is that okay for you?" Timmy smiled.

"A week of love? I'll bet a million you won't."

"See, mom? I'll be fine. No woman would think that you're son is so handsome and hot in a week."

"Silly boy. Timmy, Timmy, Timmy... you can't easily take that 'uneasiness' on my part since we've been together all your life. Just let me know where you're going and the departure date. Want me to make sure you get the window seat?" Her mom said.

"Just let it be mom. It will be fate if there will be an available seat near the window. Don't stress your self too much."

"Sir, your business trip was this week

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"Sir, your business trip was this week. I'll need your signature for some of the papers here."

"Okay. Wait for a while." Johnny went back to his seat and continue his work. It's the last batch of paperwork for this week so he was energetic.

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