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At noon as soon as the plane lands and passengers starts walking out, Timmy couldn't hide his excitement

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At noon as soon as the plane lands and passengers starts walking out, Timmy couldn't hide his excitement. Finally, he is in Thailand. The land of his favorite boyslove couples, Tay and New and August and Ngern. (Yes, Ciel is a Polca and a NgernGust shipper.. so why not. It's his story.)

"Thailand, Thailand. Nice to see you!" Timmy giggled at his success in landing on a foreign country.

He took a little thai dictionary from his bag for he doesn't speak Thai.

"Where should I go? Should I go to Phuket!? or in Chiang Mai? or should I just get lost in Bangkok? I wanna visit the temples too, arghh.."

He sat next to the couch at the Suvarnabhumi Airport and brought out a map. He needs a place to stay for now. He'll plan his day later this night. He didn't inquire for a hotel earlier cause he was sure his mother will know where he would go.

Since he can't travel that long as his body was aching due to long flight, he opted for the nearest hotel. He wanted to eat too because it was already lunchtime.

He waits at the taxi lane and told the driver to go to Novotel Bangkok.

The hotel was grand, it's a good thing he have his black cards with him.

At the reception, he falls in line and he saw the young man who sat beside him at the plane, quarrelling with one of the receptionist.

"What do you mean that my room booking was cancelled?" The young man glared at the receptionist.

"Yes sir, we tried to call you earlier but your phone was off. We were redirected to your office and we tell them that due to an accident earlier, the whole 16th floor was unaccessible. We are very sorry for the inconvenience." The receptionist said.

"Don't you have any available room? I am alone, I can fit even in a small room." The young man replied.

"Sorry sir, the couple and family rooms are the only available rooms for now,"

Hearing that, Timmy asked the receptionist in front of him.

"Is it true? There's no more room available?"

"For single traveler, yes. We are very sorry for that because we didn't expect an accident earlier. The only available rooms for now are the family rooms and the couples room."

"Aah.. How long will the maintenance last at the 16th floor?" Timmy asked.

"It's a gas leak so we need to check for a day with the fire bureau. Don't worry sir, we will open the 16th floor as soon as it was clear."

"Uhm.. can't I have a couples room just for myself? I can pay for it." Timmy said.

"Sorry sir, it's our hotel's policy. You need to be a couple to occupy that room and if I got caught, I'll be saying goodbye to my job. Please understand sir."

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