Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I had no sooner released Gabe’s hand after he had teleported us back to earth, and I was flying across the air and landing on the hard ground.

“Hey watch were you’re going” I heard Gabe yell before his face appeared above me “Are you ok?” He asked me looking concerned

“I’m fine” I said groaning as I sat up “What happened?”

“Some guy ran into you”

It was then that I looked around and noticed the chaos around us, people were running away, screaming “What now?” I asked suddenly feeling exhausted.

“I’m not sure, it doesn’t look good whatever Berith is up too”

I ignore Gabe’s hand that he offered me and stood on my own. “Let’s get this over with, the sooner we find Gemma the sooner we can help Devon.” The crowd of people running through the park started to thin out as I walked over to the seat where I had last tracked Gemma. “Why are you doing this Gemma?” I asked running my hand over the white stone seat.

“Why?” I heard her say. Whipping my head up I saw that she was standing behind the seat “You want to know why I got Berith to help me escape hell?” She laughed “it’s so easy for you isn’t it? To be perfect and get whatever you want.”

“What are you talking about Gemma, I’m far from perfect and I have never got what I wanted. Every time I have come close to obtaining something I want, someone comes along and takes it from me.”

Gemma rolled her eyes at me “Yeah sure, keep telling your -self that.” She crossed her arms over her chest “I’m not going back to hell with you. I won’t be a prisoner again.”

“What about our father, don’t you want to be with him?”

“Please” She rolled her eyes again, I couldn’t help but wonder if she ever gives her self-headaches doing that all the time. “The only thing daddy dearest cares about is his precious Manah”

“That’s not true, why would he have gone to so much trouble of finding you, taking you to hell and taking care of you if he didn’t care about you.”

“You can’t be this stupid.” She spat at me “He did it because he knew you would come back to hell if he told you I was there and needed your help.”

I frowned at her, “I don’t-“

“Don’t tell me that’s not what he had planned, I know it is. I overheard him and Gabe talking.: I turned back to look for Gabe surprised he wasn’t beside me. He and Venom still stood where we had arrived, they were both watching us but not approaching.

“Even if that is true, you still need help controlling your demon.” I looked back at her “I have lost complete control of my demon before. I hate to think what would have become of me had I not been able to regain control.”

Heaven and Hell (D.A book 2) (Onhold)Where stories live. Discover now