Chapter Thirteen

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Not Edited, rough draft:

Chapter Thirteen

I woke to the feeling of a sledge hammer going off in my head. I was confused because the last thing I remembered was something covering me, and Gemma talking to Eve. Oh god Eve! The angels had found me. I looked around the bright white room and instantly knew where I was. They had brought me to the heaven realm. I tried to move my left arm but something heavy weighed it down, I looked at the golden cuff that was on my wrist, attached to it was a golden chain with a large solid golden ball. Looking at the cuff on my wrist I noticed that the skin around it was singed, I didn’t know what the cuff was, whatever it was it affected my demon half of my body. which might explain why I didn’t have one on my right side. I was sitting on a bright white tiled floor, the walls were tiled the same, even the door had large white tiles on it. The only reason I knew it was a door, was of the slight gap between it and the walls, it wasn’t a big gap, just enough for you to know that it wasn’t part of the wall. There was no door handle, even If I could move I wouldn’t be able to open it. There was a brightness to the room, like the walls were reflecting lights. even though there was no lights that I could see. That’s how I knew I was in the haven realm.

 I tried to teleport out of the room, and back to hell. Nothing happened. I still sat on the hard white tiled floor, I tried again, and again. The same result every time. Each time I did it, the cuff on my arm burned into my skin  even more. I looked down at it inspecting it, there wasn’t anything on it, no pattern or writing it was just a smooth gold cuff.

“You probably know by now that you can’t escape” A male voice said from across the room. I looked over to where the door was and noticed it was now opened. A solid looking man stood there, he was almost as tall as the door was. Broad shoulders touched either side of the door frame, his white hair reached just below his ears, I knew he was an angel and that he was most likely here to kill me but I couldn’t help but admire him. He was beautiful, his eyes bore into me, as I looked him over. They were a blue I had never seen before, they were so dark it reminded me of the deep ocean blue. He raised one blond eyebrow at me “You don’t seem as tough as everyone has made you out to be.” His deep voice carried across the room.

“That’s because I’m not. You should let me go, I think you have the wrong person.” It was worth a try, he might fall for it.

“Yes because there are so many humans waking around earth, with half white hair, half black, one blue eye one red. I closed my eyes and realized that my contact must have fallen out. I hated my red eye, it made me feel like a freak. I didn’t want him to see it, or any one else. So I kept my eyes closed hopping he would get the hint and do whatever it is he had come here to do or leave me the hell alone. “Oh I have hurt your feelings.” His laughter rumbled across the room, “That’s precious.”

“What do you want?” I asked, I had clenched my teeth together to stop myself from screaming abuse at him.

“Nothing, I just wanted to see you for myself.”

“What do you plan to do with me?”

“I don’t plan to do anything with you. This is Eve’s show. I am just here to watch.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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