Chapter 7

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Mirae POV

I dash to my front door, shoving my disgusting feet into my shoes.

If I leave my house now, then in exactly 3 minutes I will get to the corner shop, leaving me with about 4 minutes left to get to Jungkook.
"Im leaving now!" I shout to whoever is still in my house then slam the door shut behind me.

I start to go into a light jog, wanting to be at Jungkook's at exactly 4pm. I love to do stuff like that, to creep people out.

But I stop in my tracks after realising I may have not brought my keys. I quickly pat myself down and then huff in annoyance. I guess I'll be a bit late to meet Jungkook.

I sprint back towards my house, determination to meet him on time giving me energy.

"Yes sir.....I know......I'll Get to you as quickly as I can....okay.....I'll make sure to- ......And he cut me off" An eager voice draws my attention.

Call me nosy, but when I hear someone in the dark alleyway beside my house I'm either worried for their safety or intrigued. Right now I'm the latter.

I peek my head round the wall to see a short man muttering to himself, picking up a briefcase.

"I just need to calm down, I need to chill. Stuart, calm down, breathe. Just keep breathing......Ariana!! That's it!!"

What is he even saying?
He crouches down and places the briefcase on the floor.

"Susan, play that song about breathing by Ariana Grande" He says, looking at the briefcase.

What is happening here?

Suddenly he gets into a pose, his arms crossed above his head and his legs slightly apart.

I have seen enough, yet I can't seem to stop watching. My eyes are stuck on his hips twisting everytime Ariana says 'breathing'.
Shakira is quaking.

I think this has made my day. No. My whole week.

When he puts his hands on the grubby floor, with his legs spread on the wall, I begin to struggle stifling a laugh.

Stuart POV

Gosh Ariana Grande just gets me in the mood to dance.

I'm preparing myself to twerk against the wall, when I suddenly hear a cackle from round the corner. I snap my head in the direction of the noise, only to see someone jump back. Hmmm.
I best be going anyway.

I scramble over to my briefcase and grab it.
"I sure hope Sir won't mind if I just....leave this equipment here" I say to myself, placing a glowing purple piece of rock behind a trash can.

"I trust you, trash, to look after this until I return. You and I are one of the same" I say to the bin, placing my hand on its lid.

This piece of rock is like the heaviest thing to carry around, I'll just come back for it tomorrow. No one needs to know.


Mirae POV
When the short man scurries out of the alley way, I sneak over to the glowing rock.

This is a bit suspicious. It could be dangerous.
.....I mean if I die then at least I won't have to do my exams or worry about my future in this world.

I pull my surgical gloves out of my pocket and slap them on. Wow I really regret getting acrylic nails now, this feels really uncomfortable. I'm gonna get them taken off sometime next week because the black colour is peeling off. And ignore the fact that I keep surgical gloves in my pockets.

Yikes I got completely sidetracked there.

I pick up the rock carefully and turn it, inspecting it.

It has so many cracks, but each one has a beaming purple light bursting out of it. It's actually so beautiful.

But it makes me wanna throw it to the ground and see it covered in purple.
Don't do it Mirae!! Don't do it!

Okay I won't.

But I really want to....

I throw it to the ground. As soon as it left my hands I regretted my decision.
I expected a loud noise, but nothing happened. Huh well that's lame. I bend down to reach for it again but then BAM. I'm hit with what could only be described as a forcefield or something and I am slammed against the brick wall......( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ouch that hurt. I rub my back, pain spreading everywhere.

You know what, forget my keys, I'm just gonna go to Jungkook now.
I shove the rock into my backpack and then sprint out the alley. I probably should've crept out so no one noticed but that alley is really creepy. It's always dark, even during the day. It's like when I turn off the lights downstairs I have to leap upstairs so the demons don't take me.

Soon enough I reach Jungkooks apartment.
"Hey, what time is it?" I ask as soon as he opens the door.

"H-hi, it's 4:30" He answers, shuffling his feet a bit.

"Oh my goshhhh, sorry about that, I found something really cool in an alley. I'll show you it" I say, waiting for him to invite me in.

But he doesn't, he just stands there staring at me.

I start to make signals with my hand towards the doorway.
He doesn't seem to understand.

"Can i come in?" I ask awkwardly, shifting my weight on my feet.

"Y-yeah sorry"

When he widens the door I notice he's not wearing any shoes, so I drop to the ground and su-
Im kidding.

I speed walk to the table and show Jungkook the rock.

"Do you know what this is?" I ask, holding it up to him.

"Uhh, no?"

"It's a rock, but it's glowing"

"I s-see that"


... this is getting awkward. Again.

"You're smart right?" I ask, lowering the rock.

"I g-guess so" He says, pushing up his glasses. That was like one of the most cliche things I've ever seen.

"I threw it on the floor and then this energy flung me back, like this" Then I jump back and slam against a wall, demonstrating what had happened.

(A/N it won't be the last tome she will be slammed against a wall with Jungkook in the room if u know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"Why did y-you throw it?"

"Uh... so can you help me find out what this thing is?"

"S-sure I can try"

"Okay thanks", I say and then I swap the rock with my school work, "Lets do this".

So, I have heard the news about Spider-Man and I'm extremely saddened by it.
I'm also scared because last week I thought about how horrible it would be if Tom died, and I thought about how there would also be no more Spider-Man films with Tom in them... and then this happened. It's like Peter Parker died instead.

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