I Am Become Death

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The next day Clarke, Raven, Ally, Bellamy, and Finn went to look for any remaining things from Ally and Clarkes mom's ship when it landed. Ally saw a hand separated from a female body and a ton of burnt up bodies.
"Clarke and Ally shouldn't be here." Finn said
"Their mom was on the ship. Thier looking for answers. You want to help them, fine me the black box, hard drives, anything that will explain why the ship crashed. Raven said to Finn then Bellamy and Finn looked at Ally and Clarke and watched them just kind of zoned out and looking for anything connecting them to their mom.
"Stay sharp. Grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, just a matter of when." Bellamy said taking his eyes off of Ally
"Can you blame them?" Finn asked Bellamy
"No. I blame you." Bellamy said to Finn
"Maybe if you didn't bring guns..." Finn was gonna say but then got cut off by Raven
"If we didn't bring guns, we all would've been killed." Raven said looking at Finn
"Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore. It's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now." Bellamy said walking away
Ally went to the drop ship and liquid was coming out of it witch made her step back from how strong it was.
"Ally, stop!" Raven said running towards Ally
"Rocket fuel?" Ally asked Raven
"Hydrazine... highly unstable in it's nonsolid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist." Raven said as she dipped a rock in the liquid and Bellamy ran up to us.
"Fire in the hole!" Raven said as she threw the rock at some fire and a big explosion went off.
"We need to clear the area." Raven said to Bellamy
"Okay, then. We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We got to get back before dark." Bellamy said as everyone started to leave. Once we got back to camp they told us Murphy showed up.
"Where is he? Everyone but Connor and Derek out... Now!" Bellamy asked/said pissed off.
"He claims he was with the grounders. We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Derek said
"I wasn't sneaking. I was running from the grounders." Murphy said to Bellamy and us
"Anyone see grounders?" Bellamy asked and everyone shook their head no
"Well in that case..." Bellamy went to say and raise his gun but then Finn got in the middle of it.
"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?" Finn asked Bellamy
"We were clear what would happen if he came back." Bellamy said to Finn
"No. If he was with the grounders, then he knows things that can help us." Finn said
"Help us? We hanged him. We banished him, and now we're gonna kill him. Get the hell out of my way." Bellamy said raising his gun again
"No. Finn is right." Clarke said going up to Murphy
"Like hell, he is. Clarke think about Charlotte." Bellamy said to Clarke
"I am thinking about her, but what happened to Charlotte was as much our fault as his. He's not lying. His fingernails were torn off. They tortured him." Clarke said looking at Murphy
"You and the grounders should compare notes." Finn said to Bellamy
"The grounders know we're at war. What did you tell them about us?" Bellamy asked Murphy
"Everything." Murphy responded with
"Once he's better we find out what he knows, and then he's out of here, okay?" I asked/said to Bellamy and Clarke
"What if he refuses to leave? What do we do with him then?" Bellamy asked once I started walking away
"Then we kill him." I said walking out and going to my tent to lay down then I heard Connor yelling for Clarke and I and we both ran out of two different tents and I saw blood coming from Clarkes eyes and connor coughing up blood. Then Raven rainout with a rag for Clarke.
"What's happening?" Raven asked Clarke and I
"Raven, get away from us." I said as more people started coughing up blood.
"What?" She asked confused
"They're the ones who brought Murphy in." I said and started heading towards the drop ship and I walked in seeing Murphy coughing up blood
"Murphy, hey, look at me. I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped from the grounders. What happened?" I asked him
"I don't know. I woke up, and they forgot to lock my cage. There was no one there so I took off." He said to me
"They let you go. Bellamy, stay back." I said as he came in the drop ship
"Did he do something to you?" He asked me and I shook my head no then I started getting a nose bleed and Bellamy looked worried
"What the hell is this?" He asked me
"Biological warfare. You were waiting for the grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it. Murphy is the weapon." I said turning to look at Murphy
"Is this your revenge, helping the grounders kill us?" Bellamy asked Murphy
"I didn't know about this, ok, I swear." Murphy said to Bellamy
"Stop lying. When are they coming?" Bellamy said to Murphy
"Murphy, think, all right? What can you tell us that's useful? Did you hear anything?" I turned and asked him
"They are vicious, cruel." He said to Bellamy and I
"You want to see vicious?" Bellamy said getting pissed off
"Bellamy, don't. Whatever this thing is, it spreads through contact." I said and then Finn ran in looking for Clarke.
"Finn, you shouldn't be in here. No one should." Clarke said laying down
"I heard you were sick... Ally, what is this?" Finn asked me
"I don't know, some kind of hemorrhagic fever. We just need to contain it before...." I got cut off by a kid having a seizure in the corner
"Hey, don't touch her you could get sick. Wash your hands now." I said to Finn as he went to grab Clarke's hand
"What the hell is happening to him?" Finn asked
"I don't know." I said
"Is he..." Bellamy went to ask but couldn't finish the sentence
"He's dead.... Here alcohol. Hold out your hand." I said looking up after checking his pulse
"What do we do?" Finn asked
"Quarantine. Round up everyone who had contact with Murphy. Bring them here." I said to Finn as he went to leave
"And everyone they had contact with?" Bellamy asked
"Well we have to start somewhere. Connor, who was with you when you found him? Who carried him in? Think." I said to him
"The first one there was Octavia." Then Bellamy and I looked at each other and he rushed out of the drop ship.
"Okay, we're done. No visible signs of swelling or bleeding." I said to Octavia and Bellamy
"So you're saying she doesn't have it?" Bellamy asked
"I'm saying she doesn't have symptoms, but that could change. We need to keep her here just in case." I said to him and Octavia
"No way. Look at this place. She'll get sick just being here." Bellamy said then Clarke came up
"Do you want to stop the spread, or not? Look we'll keep her on the third level with the people who aren't symptomatic yet. Think of it as a way to stop her from sneaking out again." Clarke said and I looked at her with a what the fuck face
"Screw you, Clarke." Octavia said in response
"I'll let you know if her condition changes." I said to Bellamy
"Octavia, wait. I need you to sneak out again. I need you to go see if there is a cure for this." Clarke said to Octavia after Bellamy left and next thing I know she's sneaking out to go see Lincoln and I have to pretend she's still her.
"All right. Shows over. Get back to your posts. You got enough food in there, water?" Bellamy asked me
"Yeah. Some medicine might be nice." I said to Bellamy then he smiled
"I'll see what I can do. Octavia, you okay?" Bellamy asked as Clarke came out.
"Bellamy, wait. She's not here. I sent her to see Lincoln. Look. If there's a cure he has it. I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let her go." Clarke said to Bellamy
"If anything happens to her, you and me are gonna have problems." Bellamy said walking away
"Bellamy... Bellamy!" I yelled after him
"Out of my way." Bellamy said
"Dude, your eyes." Some boy said
"Nobody touch him." Another said pointing a gun at him
"Get to the dropship now." Bellamy said
Then Raven asked if Niall was okay and I saw him drop to the floor and some guy grabbed on to him then he coughed blood on someone and everyone started freaking out so I grabbed one of the guns and unloaded a few rounds in the air. Then everyone paid attention.
"This is exactly what the grounders want. Don't you see that? They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first." I said still holding the gun
"They won't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn dropship." Some guy said to me then Bellamy knocked him out with the gun he was pointing at me
"Not to state the obvious, but your Quarantine isn't working." Bellamy said then I saw suits and Bellamy caught me and picked me up and took me inside the dropship.
"What do I have to do to make you stop coming in here?" Clarke asked as she saw Finn carrying in Niall and Bellamy caring in Ally
"All of you get better." He said to Clarke
I started feeling better then Niall went into a coma and next thing I know Bellamy comes in sick. I started crying because of Niall and had Clarke take him to the third level and I went to take care of Bellamy till Octavia made me go back to bed.
"Get the hell away." Bellamy said to Murphy when he tried to hand him a cup of water
"Bellamy you sick I'm just trying to help." Murphy said to him
"I got this one." I said to Murphy and started taking care of him
"Are you feeling better?" Bellamy asked me
"Yeah..." I said
"Good, have you seen Octavia or Niall?" Bellamy asked me
"She was up all night helping people. Murphy gave her a break. Niall is still in a coma." I said looking down
"Don't tell me you trust him now. Niall will make his parents are fighters so I know he will make it." Bellamy said to me
"Trust? No. I do believe in second chances, though. Also thank you for keeping ,e in a positive mind set about our son." I said smiling and hugging him
"It helps he has a bad ass mom.... It's almost dawn. Better get everyone inside. If we lock the doors maybe the grounders will think we're not home." Bellamy said smiling at me then looking outside
"Not everyone is sick." I said
"Sick is better than dead." He said
"You don't think Finn and Jasper are gonna pull it off." I said
"Do you?" He asked me
"I'll get everyone inside." As I was doing that Clarke came down and said Niall was starting to wake up. I ran up and gave him a hug and told him everything was going to be okay and that Aunt Clarke was going to take him to the bunker and stay there till Bellamy and I came and got him and then we go to our new home. I told him he will leave right before the grounders get her or Octavia and Lincoln will take him. Then we saw the bridge blow up. Then the boys came back as we were all waiting outside and Finn  was carrying Raven and Clarke and I went to check on her.
"She's getting stronger." I said then Clarke and I started heading out of the dropship and I smiled at Murphy and he smiled and nodded his head back then we kept heading out of the dropship. Later that night I was outside the wall
"You're outside of the wall without a gun." Bellamy said walking up to me.
"14 graves. One of those could have been you, Clarke,  or Niall today." I said to him
"I know but we are still here and we aren't going anywhere." He said to me
"I know and I know you have to talk about something." I said to him
"We need to talk about Murphy." Bellamy said
"He was right about the bridge." I said
"We'll see. Octavia says the mountain men are pissed, whatever that means." He said
"I'd say it means we need as many soldiers as we can get." I said
"So what, we have pardon power now?" He asked me
"It's hard running things... 14." Then I started to walk away
"Ally!" Bellamy called
"Yeah?" I said turning around
"I love you and I promise I'll never leave you." Bellamy smiled and said to me
"I love you too and I promise I'll always be here for you." I smiled back and kept walking after that.

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