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     "Peter!" Tony's voice rang from the kitchen. "Time to get up!"

     "Noooooo," Peter called down. "Too tired!" He had spent the entire night before Spider-Manning, as Tony called it.

     "Fine then! I'm sending up Thor!" Tony threatened. Peter groaned as he stuffed his face into his pillow. It was just an empty threat. Tony only sent Thor up when Peter wouldn't wake up for school, which was rare. Yeah, he wouldn't actually-

     "HELLO MAN OF SPIDERS!!" Thor's deep voice boomed from Peter's doorway. (A.N.: I know Peter would have been able to hear his footsteps but let's just say he was half asleep and wasn't paying attention.) Peter half-groaned-half-screamed as he tossed his pillow at the god. Dumb move. Now he had nothing to cover his face with AND Thor had a weapon.

     He used said weapon to whack Peter with enough force to throw a regular person straight off the bed. "GET UP SON OF STARK," (huh, Peter liked the sound of that) "OR YOU WILL MISS THE VISIT OF MY BROTHER!!!" That was enough to make Peter pop his head up from the bed, albeit discombobulatedly. (A.N.: imagine it, it's like a confused puppy.)

     "Loki?" Peter said hopefully. He had heard tales of Thor's brother, good and bad. He had always wanted to meet the god.

     "Thanks, Thor." Peter pulled himself out of his bed, which was a bit difficult considering how comfortable it was. That was just one of the perks that came with living with the Avengers.

     Not even caring about his fluffy, messed up hair or his Captain America shield pajama pants, he trotted down the stairs just a bit too excitedly. "Whoa, slow down Peter," Tony warned. "You might fall down!" Too late, Peter was already trip-jumping down the last five stairs. He landed perfectly on his feet and went to give Tony his good morning hug. He then sat on a barstool at the counter where Tony gave him a stack of pancakes that could feed at least five regular people. Because of his crazy high metabolism, Peter required a lot more food than the average person. He downed the pancakes at lightning speed.

     He looked up at Tony and said "Thor said I'm gonna meet Loki today!"

     There was a hesitant expression on Tony's face as he replied "Yeah, yeah you are." He turned to the coffee maker and rubbed his temples.

     "You okay, dad?" Peter asked carefully. He couldn't understand why Tony was acting like this.

     Tony knew Peter was trying to make him feel better. He reserved "dad" for special moments between them, or when Tony needed reassurance. "Yeah kid, I'm okay. Thanks, I'm alright." Peter was still skeptical, but he let the matter drop. He didn't want to annoy Tony further.

     "Alright," Tony said, turning back to Peter. "Ready to go meet him?"

     Excitement filled Peter as he responded, "Yeah let's go!" He hopped off his stool and let Tony lead him to the lounge room.

     Waiting there when they walked in was a long, dark-haired man clad in a black suit. He turned to Peter and Tony and merely said "Hello."

     Peter became his ultimate form of a hyperactive chihuahua. "HI MISTER LOKI IT'S SO NICE TO MEET YOU IM PETER BUT IM ALSO SPIDER-MAN BUT YOU CAN JUST CALL ME PETER AND OH MY GOD IT'S SO COOL TO MEET YOU!" He may have been bouncing on his toes a bit.

     Loki took a step forward, causing Tony to lay a protective hand on his kid's shoulder. Loki, ignoring Tony's act of distrust, extended his hand to shake Peter's. "Nice to meet you, Peter." Peter grabbed Loki's hand and shook it a bit too hard. "Strong grip you have." Loki observed, shaking his hand out.

     "Thanks! I have super strength!" Peter told the god happily.

     "He can also shoot webs and hop on the ceiling so fast it'll make your head spin." Tony said threateningly.

     "I wouldn't hurt a child!" Loki hissed to Tony. Peter noticed the skepticism on Tony's face. Peter could understand why Tony was a distrustful of Loki, after the battle of New York, but Loki had helped them after that, and Peter couldn't imagine Loki trying to hurt him.

     To prove how un-dangerous Loki was, Peter said "Wanna come see my suit?" Tony's grip tightened a little on his shoulder.

     Loki was a bit surprised, nobody usually looked at him with anything other than hatred or fear. But here this kid was, actually excited to meet him. "Yes, I would love to see your suit, young spider." He found a grin on his face. Peter bounded off, Loki following him, Tony not far behind.

Oh god, Tony thought, having to jog to keep up. What have I done?
I hope you guys enjoyed it!!! I'll try to upload more often!! Any requests???

Y'all please give me requests I need ideas

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