"These Were The Avengers"

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(A.N.: This is inspired by the request of JoonsXpensiveGurl, so thanks for the request! I hope I carried out your idea well!)
(A.N. 2: this takes place after Civil War, but let's just say nobody got locked up. Also, Peter lives with Tony in the tower.)

     A Star Wars poster crashed to the floor, slamming Peter awake. "Whoa!" He fell onto the floor in the same manner as the poster. He slowly lifted himself up. His bleary eyes managed to read the time on his digital clock. Twelve o'clock? He usually never slept that late. Oh well, more sleep for him. He tried (and failed) to make his tussled hair look somewhat presentable, then trudged down the hallway to see Tony sitting on the couch, doing work on a tablet.

     "Morning, Tony." Peter mumbled as he flopped down on the couch next to the older man.

     "Hey kiddo!" Tony replied cheerfully, ruffling Peter's hair to make it even more messy (and adorable!!!!) than before. "Wanna watch TV?"

     "Sure," Peter said. He took the remote and clicked on the television. He flicked through the channels for a while before settling on some old movie Tony suggested. Ten minutes in, Tony felt Peter's head drop onto his shoulder. Not an unnatural occurrence, but it was usually reserved for late nights of Spider-Manning or movies. Peter must have been super tired.

     Tony felt his phone buzz a few minutes later. It was from an unknown number, but it simply said "We all need to talk. Can we come up?" He knew exactly who it was from. We, Steve had said we. Oh god, he better not have brought all of the Team Cap Avengers with him. He didn't want Peter to have to deal with that. It was hard enough for him when Tony came home bruised up from head to toe. Tony groaned and lifted his head, tilting it back and holding the bridge of his nose.

     Peter's small, confused voice spoke from next to Tony. "Dad?"

     Tony's heart leaped a little at the word. Peter only said it when he was overexcited or upset or not paying attention, but it still made Tony feel good to know that there was some part of Peter that felt Tony was his dad. It made him feel worthy. What didn't make him feel so worthy was the man in the elevator, coming up with his buddies.

     Tony put a smile on his face for Peter as he said "Hey, kid. I just have to go talk to some people. I'll be back in a bit. Okay?" Peter nodded and plopped his head back on Tony's shoulder. Tony chuckled, gently lifting Peter's head off of him and laying it down on the arm of the couch. He scooped up Peter's legs and laid them on the couch. Tony then took a blanket and let it flow down onto Peter.

     After that was done, Tony then texted Steve back, "Friday will direct you to the conference room." And began to walk to the hallway, not taking his eyes off his kid until he couldn't see him anymore.

     Peter's eyes fluttered open a while later. "Friday, what time is it?" He rubbed his eyes.

     "Hello Peter," Friday's nearly human voice said from nowhere. "It is 2:07 P.M. Good afternoon."

     "Good afternoon to you too. Where's Tony?"

     "Tony is currently in the conference room. Would you like for me to alert him that you are awake?"

     "No no that's okay, thanks Friday." Huh, odd, Tony never usually worked in the conference room. He hadn't told Peter that he had something planned. He probably just needed to clear his head for a bit, seeing as it's usually filled to the brim. Peter lifted himself up from the couch and began to make his way towards the conference room, messy hair and pajamas and all. Since the doors to the room had no windows, Peter had no idea what was inside until he opened the door.

     "Hey Ton-" he paused when he saw Captain America, staring dead at him, less than 3 feet away. Peter narrowed his eyes slowly and took notice of the people in the room. Bucky Barnes- Peter had heard stories about him. Not good stories. Black Widow, who turned on Tony halfway through the battle, Hawkeye, who Peter actually liked until everything that happened, someone who Peter recognized as the dude he webbed up with Bucky at the airport, and hold on. Is that a girl? A girl Peter's age? Peter was momentarily caught off guard. God she was pretty, like really, really pretty. She had dark red, nearly brown hair and wore a red leather jacket. She sat in a chair in the corner away from the table. Peter only noticed he was staring at her when she cocked her head at him, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. He pulled his eyes away from the beautiful girl and back to Steve Rogers.

      Putting on his best Scary Voice and Intimidating Face, he said "Where's Tony." It wasn't a question. It was a demand.

     "Stark?" Steve said, turning around to see Tony sitting in a swivel chair. "Who is this?"

     "Peter!" Tony said, not expecting to see the kid there. "I thought you were sleeping?"

     "I woke up." Peter said simply. Not wanting to be with these traitors anymore, he walked over to Tony and sat in the chair next to him. "What are these people doing here?"

     "These," Tony began, "were the Avengers. They've now come to make amends, seeing as they have no place to go." Peter didn't like the prospect of them living with him, especially Cap and Bucky, after everything they've done to Tony.

     "They're gonna be staying here?" Peter asked quietly, still not wanting to be totally rude to some people who were once his heroes. It didn't mean he forgave them, but if they were living together, he didn't want to seem like a total a-hole.

     "If they must," Tony replied. "Don't worry," he patted Peter's hand. "We'll get used to it." He was still skeptical, but if Tony thought it was okay, Peter presumed he should as well.

     And hey, maybe he could get to know that girl.


A.N.: from now on, the Avengers are going to be in the oneshots as well. They will be living in the tower. Peter still has a mad crush on Wanda.

Thank you for your suggestions and I'd be happy to take more!!!! Try not to make them too depressing but just comment what you want!!!!!!! I'll see you guys later!!!! Thank you!!!!!

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