These Were The Avengers Part 2

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(A.N. This is going to have some irondad and some stuff about Peter getting used to the Avengers living with them, and a lot about Peter's crush on Wanda.)

     The next few days following the little "Former Avenger Reunion," as Peter liked to call it, were something to get used to. Peter was so accustomed to it just being him and Tony in the tower, it was weird to have others living with them.

     For example, he would go to watch TV and there Steve would be, watching some 40's TV show he managed to scrape up from Who Knows Where. He would go to the training room and he would see Natasha, wreaking havoc on some poor punching bag. She would invite him to train with her, but he would politely decline, saying that he had to work on his suit and "the punching bag already looks pretty hurt." Tony seemed even more stressed than usual, which sucked. They had already missed weekly movie night and were on track to miss another.

     The only good thing coming out of this that Peter could see, was Her. Wanda. When she was in the room, Peter couldn't take his eyes off of her. She had the most beautiful smile even though she hadn't used it much, unfortunately. She was quite shy, and seemed to be very sweet. Her powers were so cool! She could just make stuff move! Peter, to say the least, had a monster crush on her. He was pretty sure she had noticed him staring, but he couldn't care less. As long as Tony didn't notice, he was safe.

     Unfortunately, we don't always get what we want. Peter was sitting at the kitchen counter, doing homework, when Tony slid in front of him. "So," he began. "Wanda!"

     "What about her?" Peter asked innocently.

     Tony rolled his eyes. "Oh just the fact that when you're in a room together you ogle her so much I'm surprised you don't start drooling."

     "I don't ogle her!" Peter said a bit too defensively.

     "Sure you don't, kid. So, how are you ask her out?"

     Peter nearly fell off his stool. "Wha- I don't- I can't- I can't ask her out!!"

     "Well then you should at least get to know her."

     Peter slammed his book closed and stood up. "Fine! I will get to know her! I'll get to know her right now!" He started walking down the hallway.

     "She's in the lounge room!"

     "I knew that!"

     "No you didn't!"


     Wanda was reading a book in a beanbag chair when Peter arrived. He didn't want to interrupt her, but he had to make conversation somehow. "Uh, whatcha reading?"

     She tilted the cover so he could see it and said "The Fault In Our Stars." Peter loved her accent. It was so unique and adorable.
    "Oh," he replied. "I've read that one." (He had not, in fact, read that one. He saw the movie when he was 10.)

     She used a bookmark to mark her page and set the book down to speak to him. "You're lying." She said. She didn't say it angrily, she seemed almost amused. That was when it struck Peter, oh god she could read minds

     "Uh, um, I, sorry." He didn't want to lie to her anymore, A: because he had a huge guilty conscience, and B: she could read minds.

     She tilted her head. "You have nice eyes." She observed.

     Peter had never thought of himself as someone with particularly nice eyes, but he wasn't going to argue. "Uh, thanks," he said. "You have nice... uh... everything." Oh god, did he really just say that?!

     She laughed. "Thanks Peter."

     Well this was going better than expected. Peter got a little bit excited and blurted out "do you wanna, like, do something?" She looked at him, confused. "Like go somewhere, together?" The words just tumbled out of his mouth.

     "Like a date?" She didn't sound hopeful that he was asking her on a date, but she didn't sound disgusted either. Peter saw that as an absolute win!
     "It you want it to be!" He said eagerly.

     "Alright then, 7 o'clock tomorrow. It's a date."

     "Okay! Cool! Yeah! I'll see you tomorrow then!" Peter stepped out of the room, and the second the door behind him closed, he couldn't hold in his yell of joy. "YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!"

     Little did he know, Wanda was doing the very same on the other side of the door.


Hope y'all liked it! It had a lot of ScarletSpider content, as will the next one.
Leave your requests in the comments!
Part 3 to come ;)))))))))))
(I'm gonna be honest right here it's gonna be mostly ScarletSpider)

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