Chapter 15

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I pull Camila's car to a stop on a roadside outside a field in Beverly Glen.

"This is where you want to go?"


"A field?"


"Well, I guess Gucci will like it here. But can I ask, why have we come to a field?"

I was thinking she meant like a café or something when she said she had somewhere for us to go.

Camila opens her car door and puts the messenger bag that she brought with her over her head, so the strap is across her chest. Then, using her crutches, she gets out of the car.

I lean over into the backseat, unfasten Gucci's car harness from the seat belt, and bring her into the front with me. I clip her lead to the harness and carry her out of the car.

I go stand next to Camz. "Okay, so what do we do now?"

"Come with me."

She starts moving, so I put Gucci down to the ground, and holding her lead, I follow Camila across the grass.

"Wow," I say when she comes to a stop on the other side of the field.

Now, I see why she likes to come here. There's a clear view of Stone Canyon Reservoir.

"What a view."


"Do you come here often?"

"Is that your pick-up line, Speedy? Because, if it is, it's no wonder you're single."


I nudge her with my elbow, and she chuckles.

"And, to answer your question, I come here as often as I can."

"I can see why you like it. It's really peaceful."

"Peace isn't something I get a lot of in my line of work. And there aren't many places I can go without someone recognizing me. Here, I can come and sit out in the open air, and no one bothers me."

"Who owns this field?" I ask her, looking around.

"I do."

I stop and look up at her. She's staring down at me.

"You own a field?"

"It's not just a field, Speedy; it's land. Land that I plan to build a house on."

"Ah. How long have you owned it?"

She laughs softly. "Eight years."

"Eight years?" I look at her, dumbfounded. "So, this might be a stupid question...but why haven't you built a house?"

She lifts a shoulder, her eyes briefly meeting mine. "I've been busy working for the last eight years, and I'm not sure exactly what type of house I want to build here. I bought it because it was a great deal at the time for what I was getting. I just haven't gotten around to doing anything with it."

"Except coming here to admire the view."

"Except that."

"Well, if it were me, I'd build a huge ranch-style house with a paddock for Gucci and a swimming pool."

"The pool for the goat or you?"

"Both of us." I grin.

She shifts on her crutches, a slight grimace appearing on her face.

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